Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sabbath Reflections

I shed tears in church today as I watched a young lady have a baby dedicated.  Let me give you some background on baby dedications at my church.  We (Seventh-day Adventist) believe in returning children back to God thru dedication when they are infants.  It comes from the story of Hannah and her dedication of Samual ( I Samuel 1:19 - 26). 

The dedication is surrounded by lots of friends and family and the church elders.  The leading pastor holds the child and offers a prayer of thanksgiving for the birth of the child and prayer of dedication of the child back to God.  Today this young lady stood dedicating her child with only her sister.  She did not have any other family or friends to stand with her for this momentous occasion.  It sadden me and  made me thankful at the same time.  Thankful that I believe I have family and friends that would stand with me indifferent of my religion and the circumstances and come to the dedication of my child (if I had one) because it was something important to me and my child.  It saddens me to think that a man could lay with someone to make a child however would not stand with her for the dedication of the child they created.  There are a number of reasons why she stood there with only her sister, I do not know them.  Most of the ones I imagine are sad to me.  This is an opportunity for me to prayer for and reach to this young lady and I hope you would do the same. 

1 comment:

Joe said...

I would definately stand up with u and your fatherless child :-)