Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

well well well. The day is essentially over. I only wanted to capture my attempt at making a gingerbread house for the center piece for our holiday brunch. The only pieces to survive were the gingerbread men thus they have survived to be documented on this blog!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

My Perspective on the Commercialization of Christmas!!

I officially hate the commercialization of Christmas and the environmentally imposed pressure that you must buy people tangible gifts. I have decided after this Christmas in no matter what state I find myself financially I will not participate in it. At most I will distribute cards or letters that update peopele on my life. I receive such a letter every year from a couple and look forward to receiving it to see what is knew is their lives. The letter is so genuine and honest, I am touched.

People that I love and care about will and do receive gifts from me all year round. It is the priceless gifts that are the most memorable. I reivew this year and think of the awesome gifts my friends and family have given me: prayer as I took the GRE, edits of my personal statement and resume, advice on my car and personal life, money however the most important has been their time and attention. Those are the most valuable gifts on earth to me. I want to thank each of them for that and I pray it continues into the new year!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

I felt as if I should memorialize this weekend somehow. So I figured I should write something to remember this time next year and see what is changed my life. Well lets see. Thanksgiving Day my mom and Luther came over. We ate together and I went to the movies later that evening solo. Which is kind of empowering. This weekend I had a breakthrough in applying for a cool job with the Department of Health and Human Services. Thanks to my heavenly Father for opening my eyes. I just finished working on my personal statement for Emory. I sent it over to a friend of mine who insisted on editing it. I actually appreciated his eagerness to do. My friends are always amazing me. I kind of wanted to go shopping for the after Thanksgiving rush but then thought better of it because I do not really NEED anything material. I just want stuff. I tend to NEED stuff that I cannot by and thankfully the stuff I NEED is not for sell. I went to the party of the year to celebrate a friends birthday. It was cool to see people I went to high school and college with. We have all grown up and we seem to have grown up to be someone our parents are proud of.

I just received a phone call that I have been waiting on for while and his name is still SUNFLOWERS to me!!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

FYI - Our World

Did you know?

Girls' education provides perhaps the single highest return on investment in the developing world.
Educated girls tend to marry later
They are better paid in the workplace
They have fewer, healthier children
They are more likely to send their own children to school
They are better able to protect themselves against HIV
They assume a more active role in social, economic and political decision-making throughout their lives

taken from the CARE newsletter!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I realized I have no pictures of my dog on my blog that was a complete oversight. Here we go!!!

Quotable Quote

Only those who will risk going to far can possibly find out how far you can go by T.S. Elliot

Monday, July 14, 2008

Quotable Quote from Akeelah and the Bee

I watche Akeelah and the Bee for the first time this past week while in Bermuda and the character of Akeelah stated this poem by Marianne Williamson that I thought was worthy of note and memorization;

'Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. '

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Words of Wisdom

I was speaking with a friend and he made the following obervation about people that I thought I would share.

There are three types of minds in the world, they are:

1. Great Minds - they discuss ideas - they make things happen
2. Average minds - they discuss events - they watch things happen
3. Small Minds - they discuss people - they wonder what is happening

I thought it was pretty neat and wanted to share it!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Quotables Quotes

don't spend major time...with minor people

Friday, April 18, 2008

Career Aspirations

Years ago this older man at church said to me wouldn't it be nice to return in tithe five years from now what you currently make. And I thought to myself I would hope so. I was in graduate school and was therefore not making a whole lot.

As I was sitting at my desk and reviewing the federal pay scale (GS) and reflecting on my next career move I decided every 4 years I need to make twice as much I did at the initial year. For instance if I made 25,000 in 2008 I should be making 50,000 by 2012. I will keep you posted on my aspiration!!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Getting to know someone

After speaking with my family on Monday about what characteristics would be the ideal match me. My stepfather stated someone who is adventure minded. And I thought to myself he is right. I have not dated that type of person on average.

Questions to explore in getting to know someone

1. What is your favoriate meal of the day?
2. What is your favoriate group activity before or after that meal?
3. Would you like to do those two things we with me?

If you use these questions let me know how they go!!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My 32 nd Birthday

it is 8:23 am in the morning and it is my birthday. I asked all of my family and friends to pray and fast for me a career post/job in international development with a great organization/company, doing great work,with great people and with awesome compensation. I did not ask them to fast from food particularly but whatever would be a sacrifice for them to live without for a day. It could be food, it could be their cell phone, it could be TV or it could be their ipod. Just whatever each of them considered to be a sacrifice. I am really petitioning God for a change in jobs to do what I got my Master's to do.

It is amazing what my friends and family are fasting from. I am really touched. It awesome to have the love and support of friends and family. Thank you Father for the beauty of true friendship and family!!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sabbath Lesson for me March 29, 2008

It was probably not so much a lesson but a phrase in a song that I had not heard in a long time that really touch me. We had guest recording artist Gayle Jones Murphy at church this past sabbath and for the appeal she sang a song with these words:

"I have made my decision. I am going all the way with the Lord.'

That really got to me. and trully I have made my decision and I am going all the way with the Lord!!!!

I have been searching online for the song and artist to buy on itunes however have been unable to find it. If you know it please share it with me. Thanks!!!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Last Sabbath Lesson for me

I forgot to post last sabbaths lesson for me.

God does not birth a blessing that he cannot maintain!!!!! When God gives you a vision He will give you provision

Sabbath Lesson for me March 1, 2008

I went to Berean today. I am not yet a memeber we are waiting on West End to release me of sorts. However Paster Byrd spoke today and his sermon was paper or plastic and he had some profound points. One of them was that a war on terror can never be won. Especially when you continue to take people's civil liberties away. If we continue to occupy various countries in the Middle East or really anywhere on the world and attempt to force our level of governance on them the many residents of those countries will object. Lasting change among nations or individuals must come from with in. We can educate and advise nations and individuals but force will never work.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Add to my List of Places to Go!!

I now must add Dubai as one of my places to go. I listened to a CBS news story on the country and I realize I must go their.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I was reminded by a dear friend that I deserve to be swept off my feet. Heavenly Father i want to be SWEPT!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Its Valentines day which is a cool day but I cannot remember a time in my life where it was actually special. This time does not seem any different.

However I am not writing about that, I just wanted recognize the day. I was just reviewing kodak's photos page and I saw someones pictures from St. Petersburg Russia. I have always wanted to go there. I just wanted to add it to my places to go before I die. I want to go to St. Basil's cathedral. The architecture is amazing. I will go one day. I look forward to it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My hair Straighten

A friend a work volunteered to pay for me to get my hair straightened and I must say I wish I had gotten it done earlier. I have added some pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, January 28, 2008

SabbathQuotable Quotes from January 19, 2008

The joy of living is cathcing up with God's purpose for your life!!

I am at my best when I am fulfilling my purpose.

The only leverage the devil has in your past.

I thought each of these were profound in their own right. It really meant a lot to me!!!