Monday, April 19, 2010

I am still HERE!!!!

On Friday I was having an UGH moment or morning. I called the world's best psychologist and we had lunch.  Everyone should have a doctor, a lawyer and a psychologist on speed dial.  They are priceless!  I was able to talk over my concerns with my him and get some perspective which was greatly needed.  He told me what he sees in me professionally and personally ( please note part of having a psychologist and a friend in one they also tell you what they think).  It was reassuring and comforting I just have to make sure to get out of the way of my own future.

This was reinforced on Sabbath when Pastor John Boston spoke on topic  I am still here.  Coming from the story of Joseph and how his brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37).  His brothers were jealous of him.  Joseph shared his dreams with his brothers who began to hate him because they saw potential for greatness in him in through his dream that they were jealous of.  Pastor Boston went on to say sometimes other people/our enemies/our so called friends see potential in us that we do not see in ourselves and attempt to stop us from reaching it out of their own jealousy.   It is important for us to recognize and accept the call God has on our lives and be assured that what God has called you to become he has equiped to be. 

Now to bring what my psychologist said and what Pastor Boston preached and what I know the call God has on my life full circle that is brining me to my Sweet Spot.  I know I am destined to do something amazing to help people live better lives on this earth until Jesus returns and that I will perform it around the world.  and I  am going to get to do all of that with a man (my husband of course) that will continually sweep me off my feet as we both bow in thanksgiving to God! How awesome is that!!!

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