Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sabbath Lesson For Me

Well today I went to Berean and Pastor Byrd spoke and the title of his sermon was "Raising Another Man's Baby." The premise coming from Matthew 1 and the story of Joseph and Mary and Jesus being another man's (God's) baby. He related it back to the point that there are a lot of children that need to be raised. You and I need to do it in an effort to help them become a better person. He brought out a news story of a lady living the American dream (married, 2 1/2 kids and a dog) and how it was taken away when some three young boys less than 17 years old broke into her house killed her husband an violated her daugther and traumatized her. The lady went through the trial and pleaded against the death penalty for these young men and visited them to learn of their story and how one of them was just looking for someone to look up to and how he ended up with the wrong group of people and ended up at her house. And she made the statment in the story if only someone had taken on the responsiblity to raise another man's baby.

I thought the sermone was worthy of note and thus have shared it with you. I pray that I and you take it upon ourselves to guide, direct and love the young people that we come in contact with.

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