Monday, July 18, 2011

My Visit to the Atlanta Edgewood Target Store

Friday I visited the my local Target Store.  They had Tide on sale $12 and if you buy 2 you get a $5 store gift card.  And because I saw this couponing show while I was in San Francisco a while back I have actually started cutting coupons for stuff I actually buy and I had a coupon for $3 off Tide.  I go up to the cashier and my total comes to 22.52 and I happily paid it so proud of my use of the coupon and getting the $5 gift card.  I ask the cashier for my gift card and she proceeds to tell me that it was applied in the transaction, I am taken a back for a second, and then proceed to tell her that is not possible based on the math alone.  She is not convinced I asked for the store manager, his name is Fred.  He comes to the same conclusion then I decide let do some elementary math for them the $12 each I buy 2, $12 x 2 = $24 minus my $3 coupon = $21 plus tax at 8% (1.52) = 22.52 please explain where the $5 gift card was applied.  He is still not convinced as you can imagine I am flabbergasted that the cashier and even the manager cannot perform basic math and additionally that they do not know basic store policy in that you cannot use a gift card that issued as a result of the transaction with in the same transaction.  During this interchange the store manager tells me that I am excited and to calm down and I thought I am not excited I am amazed by a couple of things;

1.  They could not perform basic math
2.  They did not know company policy
3.  The store manager did not know how to speak to a customer and an adult

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