Friday, January 01, 2010

New Years Day 2010

Last Year was my Year of Restoration, the list I created is below along with the resolutions that occured in 2009

1. Restoring my relationship with God - living the life I believe -CONTINUAL PROCESS
2. Restoring my career that utilizes my education, talents, gifts and drive to travel the world to make a positive impact for change - I AM IN GRADUATE SCHOOL TO ASSIST IN POSITIONING ME TO FULFILL THIS
3. Restoring my status to loving wife, friend, life companion to a man that is a Christian, Adventist, leader, honorable, respectful and knows how to love me best - THE LORD IS WORKING ON IT
4. Restoring my finances to position me to return in tithes and offering what I currently make in less than five years - FINISHING MY DEGREE WILL ASSIST IN THIS FULFULLMENT
5. Restoring me to a level of maturity that accepts people as they are and respecting their desire to be different - I THINK I HAVE

Now as for 2010 I have to repeat those listed above with continued emphasis on my relationship with God and financial stability where the only thing I owe any man is love. Debt free is the goal. I will add I am would like to have secured a consistent weight goal of 140 pounds with a regular weekly exercise routine that I hope will include biking. I think that is it. I will recap next year this time.

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