Monday, May 07, 2012

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting

This past week I had the privilege to go to prayer meeting something I have not been able to do on a constant due to working at Pottery Barn more than normal lately.

We had a guest speaker from one of the surrounding churches and he spoke on power.  He said the following with Biblical references which I did not get all of them.

1.  Man's power is perceived.  We as individuals give people power.  We make them powerful in our own eyes.

2.  The devil's power is permitted.  God allows the devil to have the power he has.  For example in the book of Job, the devil had to go to God to ask permission to cause calamity on Job, and God permitted it.  And the devil has to do the same thing with each of us.

3.  God's power is preeminent.  God is all powerful , need I say more!.

How awesome is that revelation, no man on this earth has power over us, only if we allow him/her to.  The things the devil tries to put in our way to hurt us God has permitted it because God knows we can handle it.  And God is all powerful and He knows how to adjust everything perfectly in our lives.  Thanks you Father!

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