Sunday, April 05, 2009

My 33rd Birthday

I celebrated by 33rd birthday three days ago (April 2nd). It was pretty uneventful nothing happened as planned however at the same time it turned out perfect. I was with my family and a good friend we had dinner at my house and played Scrabble and laughed a lot. I enjoy the company of great freinds and famly any day over the superficial gathering of so called friend and family you never speak to.

I would be remissed if I did not share the events of the last few days. I received a text message from my brother on Saturday/Sabbath morning informing me that he and his girlfriend got married yesterday (April 3rd). I could only respond oh wow congrats. I realized that if he cared what I thought he would have shared it with me before and if he respected me as a sister he would have at least had the courtesy to tell me over the phone if not face to face and at the same time I realized that his decision not to share it with me could be result of the value he places on my opinion and/or influence and by withholding the information no opinion/influence could be made. Either way what's done is done. I can only pray it is happily ever after and until death.

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