Monday, August 09, 2010

Education and Voting

I have a friend that always says the two most important things we can do is pursue an education and vote.  His basis for that position is that those are the two things that people fought and died to stop blacks and women from getting an education and casting their vote.

And as we know these are powerful tools.  I think specifically about the ability to read.  Knowing how to read is empowering.  When you are able to read people are less likely to take advantage of you.  This came to a head for in the midst of something I am currently experiencing.  People assume you do not know your rights and that you will believe what you are told.  Thankfully I am an investigator and partly skeptic of people thu I am always looking for documentation and documenting. Reading is so powerful and I love it!  I am steadily building my library.  Someone once said the best thing to do to hid information is put it in a book, Do it, bring it on I will find it!!!

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