Sunday, December 19, 2010

San Antonio, Texas

I spent  last week in San Antonio at at Material and Child Health Epidemiology conference.  It was great to be in an intellectual environment ( guess that is why I enjoy school)  with people that are dedicated to their field and have a passion for it.  I did get to visit a little of San Antonio.  My hotel was next to the Alamo so I visited that and the Riverwalk.  Here are some pictures

 I thought this tree was really cool, you see it as you entire the Alamo

Almost Wordless Friday Night Dinner Picture ( a week late)

a Veggie Loaf (not so great), mashed red potatoes, green peas  and wheat rolls

Thursday, December 09, 2010

My Holiday Decorations

My holiday decorations consist of the Pottery Barn Reindeer collection which I add to each year after Christmas when it goes on sale plus my discount.  You all know how I like a well decorated table hence why this is my only decorations.  We shall see what I add to the collection after the holiday.  They have not come out with the 2010 chime ornament, it has not been released as of two Sunday's ago when I worked last.  I will check in this Sunday!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Salvador Dali

The first Saturday of each month the High Museum is free for Fulton County residents.  I take advantage of this opportunity every time they have a new exhibit.  And this time the exhibit of note is the Salvador Dali.  Initially, I did not think I would like the exhibit but then as I saw more of his work I began to be more and more impressed.  The print above I found most impressive and unfortunately this image does not capture the complete detail of the picture and it semblance to a human skull.  The exhibit does a good job it if you are in Atlanta or every have the opportunity to see his work please go see it. 

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Baldwin Locks

A few years ago when I bought my house I needed to change the locks and I knew I wanted something unique.  So off I went investigating  and I came upon the lock below.  It was kind fo expensive along with the bolt lock that I needed to buy to match the finish and the look I was gonig for and I had to buy two sets one for the front door and one for the back.  Well about a month or so ago the one in the front of the house starting feeling lose.  Initially my stepdad who is a fix it came over and fixed it,  it worked for a while but then it started feeling lose again to the point where the complete handle just fell off the door and that is when I decided  to call Baldwin Locks and see if they can send me the official part to fix it, I was more than willing to pay for it because it would be cheaper than replacing the lock and I really wanted this lock.  They sent me what they thought I explained I needed.  Unfortunatley it was not correct, then I called back and asked for the screws, they sent the wrong screws.  I said to myself there has to be a better way for me to explain what is wrong with my lock, and that is when I decied to take pictures with my beautiful Iphone and I emailed them to Baldwin and two days later I had a whole new lock set.  Kudo to Baldwin not just for the lock but for the awesome customer service.  You have a loyal customer for life!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving recap

My Thanksgiving was good. Overall I am thankful for the place I am in my life which has only been accomplished by God's grace. The last few weeks I have been thinking a lot about how I am really in a happy place that has resulted in part because of the amazing family and friends God has put in my life, you all are the best. I am at a one of many sweet spots to come in my life! I felt this picture of Patches says it all!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Susan Stamberg Cranberry Relish

Well I made the infamous Susan Stamberg Cranberry Relish tonight.  I have not tasted it I will wait till  tommorow.  However I did want to share a picture of it and provide the link for you to get the history of it.  If you listen to NPR you already know the story. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Well it is October and of course if it Breast Cancer Awareness Month and all things Pink.  A few weeks ago I watched a Sunday night football game with a friend (who thought he would never wear pink no matter how much he loved the TaTa's (see below)  but be assured I had him in pink within 7 days (yes I am that good, LOL.  I diegress back to the football game, all the players seemed to have on something pink.  I thought that was very AWARE of the NFL to encourage the players to wear pink in support of breast cancer. 

I did not want the month to past without me highlighting some really cool breast cancer campaign messages ( social marketing is something I enjoy seeing)  put out by the  American Cancer Society and the Komen Foundation.  Here we go;

Great Breast, Great Responsiblity ( my all time favoriate from a few years ago)

Save the TaTa's ( I actually do not like this one so much but it hits a target audience just not me)

I am the cure (sometimes my behavior can prevent disease by taking preventative measures and participating in screening)

rib3.gif - 3.2 K

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sabbath Lesson Really Sabbath School Lesson for Me

The week ending Friday, October 22nd the Sabbath School lesson was on Friendship highlighting the friendship of David and Jonathen (found in I Samuel 14 - 21).  It is an awesome story of friendship.  The lesson last week made the following statement that has stuck with me "true friendship is a completely voluntary relationship."  That is so simple but was profound to me.  Unlike family, I choose my friends, I choose to call, I choose to spend time with them , I want them in my life.  There was a time in my life where I felt I did not have True Friendship, I can say today God has given me true friendships that embodies John 15:13 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Friday Night Dinner

It is a tradition in my family at Friday Night Dinner that we play Scrabble.  I am not the best player and can trully say I rarely win, I doubt I have won a game this year.  However thanks the Scrabble App that I added to my Iphone I won this Friday Night.  I decided to share a picture of the winning game!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

OOoopppsss - I am long over do for a post!

A post is long over due.  I am trying to see what the highlights have been in the last few weeks.  The most memorable because it affects me everyday is that my Blackberry 8820 that I have had for years was laid to rest.  Unfortunately, it died before I got all of my information out of it.  You would think since I have had it so long and because my first 8820 was stolen that I would have backed it up, well I did not.  I was forced to rush (yes rush I cannot be without a phone) to AT&T on a Friday afternnon is buy the infamour Iphone, as  result I have become an instant APPLE lover!!!  I enjoyed my 8820 however I can see how the Iphone was made for the user.  I was impressed. 

I did not participate in the Triathalon on October 3rd that I had been training and planning for for months.  I went to pay for it and it had sold out.  I had never heard of a race selling out but it did.  However I went right ahead and paid for the opening Triathalon in June 2011 and my friend Joseph is going to particpate with me. I am excited about that.  It should be fun.  I am still running, biking and swimming.  I think I will give up swimming until February for now.  The hardest thing about working out is my HAIR.  yes my hair, not the torcher my knees take with running or the tightness in my thighs experience from biking but my HAIR.  My hair is not permed as you  know and when it get wet from sweat or water from the pool it is a a nice size bush.  It is braided now but that will change in a few days and I will have my favorite hair style of all, pressed as seen here.  This is really manageable and I think it is pretty on me.  The only glitch is I cannot sweat, which means I cannot work out as hard as I have been.  I will continue biking and do a ever so brisk walk/light run.  We shall see.  I have been praying that I would grow to love running.  It is happening slowly and I do not want to detour the growth. 

School is school.  When i think about it it saddens so I try not to so much.

Work is work. and I trully enjoy my job and as I say all the time I would do what I do for free!!!

I will try to do better about posting.  I am going to commit to once a week.  Let's see how I do!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sabbath Picture

Well today I came home from church and walked Patches and then I looked to the right on the porch and I noticed this baby bird with it mouth wide open as if dehydrated or yelling for help.  He allowed me to touch it and Patches to sniff it,  I controlled Patches proximity not knowing how she would react since most birds in the park she attempts to chase.  I poured water on the bird and the mouth stayed open and then I poured more and then it closed a little. I went in the house and left Patches and grabbed my camera.  As I looked a little closer to take my picture I realized the birds feet were caught between the boards on the porch which are probably still a little sticky from paint. I ever so slighted lifted the body of the bird up and it flew away before I could get another pictures however I do appreciate the ability to get this one

Saturday, September 04, 2010

My Labor Day Weekend 2010

My Friday morning started off with me packing up all the shoes in my closet that I have not worn in at least a year which was about 20 pairs.  The inspiration came from reading this blog about decluttering ones life. I put everything in a bag and headed out to my car to find this awaiting me

Some time during the night someone attempted to break into my car which necessitated this

Yes the police ( I actually knew the policewoman she and I grew up at the same church) came, filed a report and took fingure prints to identify the culprit and because the thief so graciously destroyed my ability to enter the car using the actual key and my remote access that necessitated this

Yes my car had to be towed to a body shop on a Friday entering into a holiday weekend.  Which also meant I needed to get a rental car which resulted in me getting this

Yes nice rental with only 18 miles on it.  Unfortunately because of the whole incident my plans for the weekend changed and I cannot make real use of a rental but I am going to see what I can do since I have the car till next Friday.  I am thankful I have insurance and that my car is relatively unharmed.  This was my Friday we shall see how the rest of the weekend unfolds

Thursday, September 02, 2010

the best Mock Tuna Salad EVER!!!

I found this recipe on Whole Foods website and it is the best Mock Tuna Salad.  I love that it is not made with any mayo substitute, I made the salad below.  I have listed the recipe for your convenience.  Enjoy

1 cup sunflower seeds

1 cup raw almonds

1/3 cup finely chopped celery

1/3 cup finely chopped pickles

1/4 cup finely chopped red onion

2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

2 tablespoons maple syrup or agave nectar

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 teaspoon kelp granules

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1/2 teaspoon sea salt


Put sunflower seeds and almonds into a large bowl, cover by 2 inches with water, cover and set aside at room temperature to let soak for 10 to 12 hours; drain well.

Pulse sunflower seeds and almonds in a food processor until very finely chopped, scraping down the sides of the bowl as you go. Transfer to a large bowl and stir in celery, pickles, onions, dill, maple syrup, lemon juice, kelp, pepper and salt. Serve immediately, or cover and chill until ready to serve.


Per serving (about 1/2 cup): 400 calories (290 from fat), 32g total fat, 2.5g saturated fat, 0mg cholesterol, 370mg sodium, 22g total carbohydrate (7g dietary fiber, 8g sugar), 14g protein

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Invictus - Nelson Mandela's Encouragement

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeoning of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul

Wordless Sunday

Monday, August 23, 2010

Public Health Social Marketing Messages

If you know me well you know I totally ENJOY really cool public health social marketing campaigns.  I have decided to start a series highlighting what I believe is great messages.  I visited one my jobs partner agencies the other day and they do a lot of work in HIV/AIDS.  The executive director gave me her business card and I just happen to flip it over and it stated the following

What does HIV look like?
It may look like you!

I told her that took me  back a little and I that is hard to do.  But I love that it did.  It reminded me that AIDS does not have a look.  Get tested and use condoms was the take away.  What is your take away?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Five Stages of Grief

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross developed the five stages of grief.  I believe these phases can apply to other elements of life besides grief over someone's death but also grief over the end of a relationship, a move away from family and friends or just a transition in one's life. 

5 Stages

1.  Denial
2.  Anger
3.  Bargaining
4.  Depression
5.  Acceptance

The key is not to get stuck in any of the first 4 stages.  That can be hard but we have to try!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to be Alone?

I thought this video was pretty cool and thought I would share it with you all!!!

Monday, August 09, 2010

Education and Voting

I have a friend that always says the two most important things we can do is pursue an education and vote.  His basis for that position is that those are the two things that people fought and died to stop blacks and women from getting an education and casting their vote.

And as we know these are powerful tools.  I think specifically about the ability to read.  Knowing how to read is empowering.  When you are able to read people are less likely to take advantage of you.  This came to a head for in the midst of something I am currently experiencing.  People assume you do not know your rights and that you will believe what you are told.  Thankfully I am an investigator and partly skeptic of people thu I am always looking for documentation and documenting. Reading is so powerful and I love it!  I am steadily building my library.  Someone once said the best thing to do to hid information is put it in a book, Do it, bring it on I will find it!!!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Wordless Picture of Great Friendship - Thanks Symet

Sabbath Lesson for Me

Well today's lesson as always was learned even before the pastor got up to speak.  It was the children's story.  The speaker spoke of telling the truth and how you cannot build relationships on stories (lies are what we adults call them). 

The second lesson was taught when the pastor did stand up.  He spoke of Samson and Delilah (Judges 13 - 16).  Samson was raised to be of service to God and Delilah was raised to be Samson's destruction.  He bought it home to me when he stated that God has a purpose in my life and Satan has a purpose for my life.  Decisions I make follow one of those purposes, I realize a few that I have been making were not following God"s .  Father give me the strength to follow the purpose you have for my life and the faith to believe you will do what you have promised. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Wordless Friday Night Dinner

Quotable Quote

I was introduced to a running website this week in prep for my big triathlon in October.  They had the following quote on it and I thought I would share it.

“Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.”

-Woody Allen

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Triathlon - Do you want to join me?

Well I have officially decided to prepare for my first triathlon. It has been something I have wanted to do for years ever since seeing the Ironman on television growing up.  I will be participating in the Lake Lanier Island Triathlon on Sunday, October 3rd.  A part of me is kind of scared to say that out loud or in writing what if I totally fail but then I am encouraged because my biggest challenger is me ( I am not racing against anybody but my previous time).  I just have to try and that is an accomplishment in itself.  So I will

Swim 400 yards then

Bike 13 miles then

Run 5 K then

thank God I finished!!!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Quotable Quote

Over the past year I have been introduced to a number of people who are pretty successful in their chosen fields.  And they each mentioned that when you reach a certain point in your career you will not apply for jobs, people will offer them to you without even an interview your reputation will proceed  you.  I think that is pretty awesome.  I look forward to that day.  I was on a blog that I follow and found the following quote that I thought worthy of sharing related to that idea.

"If you're really that good, other people will do your bragging for you."

Friday, June 25, 2010

The 3 Most Important Decisions of Your LIfe!

A friend of mine's parents have been staying with me during the 59th General Conference Session of Seventh-day Adventist being held here in Atlanta until July 3rd.  While Sunflowers and I were sitting down at the dining room table they returned from one of the meetings and the husband started talking about what he learned early in his life  - the three most important decisions you will make in your life.  I thought they were profound and I thought I would list them here.

1.  Give your heart to the Lord
2.  Decide on a vocation
3.  Attaining a wife or husband

He spoke of how the first would guide the second and third  The second is important to minimize drama when you attain the third.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sabbath Lesson For Me!

On Sabbath the pastor went over the following text that i have been meaning to post but have not.  Ihave heard it a million times however it hit something within me on Sabbath

Psalms 27:4

One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple.

I just want to be with the Lord in the safety of arms, in the comfort of his presence and when it is all said in done I want to be saved.  My prayer is whatever it takes Lord save me that is my greatest desire!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello New Readers

It has come to my attention that I have a few new readers and I want to say hello and special shout out to Betsy Green!!!!!

MPH Experience Part 2

Well how do I start this post. We met with the Dean of Academic Affairs on Monday as a result of the email below:

I am very disappointed that you have chosen to reschedule our meeting for a second time in regards to the Applied Epidemiology course in which all three students failed and myself with a grade of F. It would seem as if this is very unimportant to you. I have received a failing grade in a course in which I did not earn and in which a teacher in your program failed to teach me and demonstrated a total disregard to teaching and a disdain for his students. I have been attempting to discuss this matter since May 6th. I have requested time off from my full time job twice for the prospect of getting this situation resolved before the start of my practicum. Out of respect for your request that we do not do anything until you meet with Dr. M on May 12th, we did not proceed further because you stated you would provide an update. We have asked for that update and have been ignored consistently. I feel unaware as to how to proceed and who to proceed with. I need someone to understand the predicament I am in academically, financially and emotionally and respond accordingly. Please advise.

This email was not written to her it was written to the Dean of my program, I copied her on it out of my frustration of not being taken seriously or a priority. She responded meeting with us during the previously scheduled time for our dean. She was poised, informative and articulate. Something I hope to be some day as a mature. I see why she has the position she has. I did not feel better after having met with her, if anything I felt worst about the possible outcome however, I did feel heard and that meant a lot to me. Diplomacy is priceless. The Assist Dean of AA did mention, on more than one occasion, that my Dean was very upset by the email above. I have re-read and asked a number of other people what they thought of the email and was it upset worthy. They all said no. They stated it was to the point and expressed my feelings regarding a very serious issue. I know I can be sharp with my words that is why I try to get others opinion before I send out potent emails. Let me know what you think!

I found it almost laughable that the Dean was upset by this email. I wonder does she realize I am UPSET receiving a grade that I did not earn and no one that is able to help me is helping or listening.
thanks Joseph for sending the deleted post!!!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

MPH program Part 3

I know you are thinking part three where did part two go.  I know I know.  I was attempting to complete the edits that Sunflowers suggested and I deleted it instead.  Blogger did not ask me to confirm and the back key did not return the post so it is lost forever.  I have the email however I do not have the energy to recreate what I wrote prior to it.  One of the drawbacks of dating a lawyer is that they tend to edit everything meticulously that is why I know there was nothing wrong with the email that I sent.  But lets not get me started on that.  I just wanted to stop all the emails asking why I deleted the part two post.  Stay tuned still!!!!

P,S. If any of you printed it out feel free to send it to me and  I will repost it!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MPH Program Spring Semester Over Part 1

Well I have successfully finished my second semester at Morehouse. This semester I took the plunge and took 5 courses ; Environmental Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Research Methods, Intermediate Epidemiology and Applied Epidemiology, the grades were A, A, B, B and F. I know you are probably stuck on that F, I am too. Not because oh that is what I earned but ohhhhhhhh that is what the teacher decided to give me after a semester of crappy teaching and me calling him out on his crappy teaching. And the fact that there were three people in the class and the teacher gave the other two people C’s (which is still failing) and me an F out of his pure unadulterated disdain for all of us and his dislike of my outspokenness and my total disdain for crappy teaching at $500 a credit hour times 3. I am actually ok with it. Because the F does not speak to my ability or my worth however it speaks volumes about the teacher. No worries I know there are implications of the F, however we have submitted a formal complaint to the Dean which ironically before we knew our grade we had informed her of the crappy teaching and a semester of wasted time and long before that we voiced our concerns to our advisor. I am confident it will all work out. Stay tuned on that front.

All in all things are well and I am gearing up to working on my thesis this summer. I have been offered a part time research assistantship position for the summer skegee to work on cervical cancer. I am trying to see how I am going to work that into my life at the Food Bank. This assistantship has a few really cool benefits. The first being my thesis is focused on human papillomavirus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted disease which is found in 90% of all cervical cancer patients.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Bike

I finally got the bike that I have been wanting for a while.  It is a Globe 700 (a division of Specialized Bikes) step thru that I acquired from Outback Bikes in Little Five Points.   I have ridden it a few times today and I am committing to riding it once a day around the park across from my house, starting with one lap a day for a week and building up.  It will be my exercise routine.  My goal is to be physically fit and if that happens to turn into consistently weighing 140 pounds.  I will give all praise to God.  Below is the picture of my bike.  The only drawback to it I realized after I got it home, it does not have a kickstand.  And when I called back I informed the sales person that my bike did not have a kickstand and she informed me that it does not come with one and I asked how does it stand up and she said you lean it up against something or put it in a bike rack and I thought, are you serious you pay $400 to lean the bike up against something.  A kickstand cost $13, I will be getting one tomorrow!!!

Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!

This is a tribute to my mother who embodies the virtures of the Proverbs 31 woman.  Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made to raise me and the values you have given me that hope I live out in my everyday life.  Thank you for representing Christ to me before I know who He was for myself.  Happy Mother's Day!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I am still HERE!!!!

On Friday I was having an UGH moment or morning. I called the world's best psychologist and we had lunch.  Everyone should have a doctor, a lawyer and a psychologist on speed dial.  They are priceless!  I was able to talk over my concerns with my him and get some perspective which was greatly needed.  He told me what he sees in me professionally and personally ( please note part of having a psychologist and a friend in one they also tell you what they think).  It was reassuring and comforting I just have to make sure to get out of the way of my own future.

This was reinforced on Sabbath when Pastor John Boston spoke on topic  I am still here.  Coming from the story of Joseph and how his brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37).  His brothers were jealous of him.  Joseph shared his dreams with his brothers who began to hate him because they saw potential for greatness in him in through his dream that they were jealous of.  Pastor Boston went on to say sometimes other people/our enemies/our so called friends see potential in us that we do not see in ourselves and attempt to stop us from reaching it out of their own jealousy.   It is important for us to recognize and accept the call God has on our lives and be assured that what God has called you to become he has equiped to be. 

Now to bring what my psychologist said and what Pastor Boston preached and what I know the call God has on my life full circle that is brining me to my Sweet Spot.  I know I am destined to do something amazing to help people live better lives on this earth until Jesus returns and that I will perform it around the world.  and I  am going to get to do all of that with a man (my husband of course) that will continually sweep me off my feet as we both bow in thanksgiving to God! How awesome is that!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What does success look like?

I attended a Public Health Leadership Seminar as part of my MPH program on last Friday and a young man named Dustin Duncan, a Morehouse College Alumni and PhD doctoral student at Harvard University had this slide in his presentation (using with permission) that caused me to ask myself the following questions and they gave me an assurance that I am coming into my SWEET SPOT!!!

-What am I passionate about?  Inequalities in developing countries that result in poor health outcomes
-What can I be really good at?  Advocating for those that cannot speak
-What are indicators of success?  Making a lasting change that results in people that might not have had a favorable outcomes do because of some intervention I was able (by God's grace) to implement and doing it all around the world. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sabbath Reflections

I shed tears in church today as I watched a young lady have a baby dedicated.  Let me give you some background on baby dedications at my church.  We (Seventh-day Adventist) believe in returning children back to God thru dedication when they are infants.  It comes from the story of Hannah and her dedication of Samual ( I Samuel 1:19 - 26). 

The dedication is surrounded by lots of friends and family and the church elders.  The leading pastor holds the child and offers a prayer of thanksgiving for the birth of the child and prayer of dedication of the child back to God.  Today this young lady stood dedicating her child with only her sister.  She did not have any other family or friends to stand with her for this momentous occasion.  It sadden me and  made me thankful at the same time.  Thankful that I believe I have family and friends that would stand with me indifferent of my religion and the circumstances and come to the dedication of my child (if I had one) because it was something important to me and my child.  It saddens me to think that a man could lay with someone to make a child however would not stand with her for the dedication of the child they created.  There are a number of reasons why she stood there with only her sister, I do not know them.  Most of the ones I imagine are sad to me.  This is an opportunity for me to prayer for and reach to this young lady and I hope you would do the same. 

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Foreign Service Oath of Office

I think this sounds pretty awesome

"I ________, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Sabbath Blessing for Me

I awakened this morning with a resolve on a issue and then I put on my ipod and listened to one of my favorite songs by Dyanamic Praise ( a gospel group from my alma mater Oakwood College).

The song is You Are More Than Worthy on their album Testify;

The words are;

You (referring to God) are more than worthy of my praise. I tried things my way didn’t realize I drove you away you are more than worthy of my praise. I am nothing unless you are leading my life. Teach me Oh Lord your ways and statutes. I am nothing unless you are leading my life. I praise you no matter what comes in my life. I just want to be the vessel you want to use, you have my heart ,my soul , my body and mind. I just want to exalt a total praise to you.  I praise you no matter what comes in my life.  You have my heart, my mind and soul, have your way in me, I yield to you. I praise you no matter what comes in my life just want to be a vessel you want. Thank you Jesus. I give it to you you created me. I praise you no matter what comes in my life I just want to be a vessel you want to use. I just want o be in constant praise to you.

This song is so powerful to me.  The words in bold just caused me to raise my hands and cry holy holy holy.  God is more than worthy.  My greatest desire is to be a vessel that God would want to use to draw others to him.  There is no greater purpose on this earth than that.  Father I yield!!!!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Good Friday

Today is my 34th birthday.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Sunflowers are my favorite flowers and yesterday while I was at my second favorite grocery store Whole Foods ( my favorite of course is my Food Coop) I bought some and thought I would share them with you!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My Office is Now Complete

Well my office is officially finished thanks to my SUNFLOWERS who surprised me and brought over a huge palm last night, which was the finishing touch the room needed. I was wavering between putting up a drape in front of the window which I really did not want because the window is kinda cute. Take a look at the pictures. What do you think? Just in case you are wondering all furnishing are compliments of Pottery Barn via my 40% employee discount. Desk – Bedford Corner Desk, Book shelf – Study Wall Shelf and wood gallery frames, Rug – Sisal Rug with black border, red drape ( I can switch the drape out and change accent of  the theme of black and white)- Cameron Drape, the chairs they do not have any more and the desk chair is probably older then me it is a classic and Pottery Barn actually sells one exactly like it but it is cheaper quality of wood and is much smaller. I have not acquired all of my books from my moms storage but once I do I will probably need another shelf, I have books from undergrad and graduate school and my current collection that I am acquiring in my MPH program.

I have to include a little note about the Palm that SUNFLOWERS brought over. First it was a shock I could not stop thanking, hugging and kissing him not that he is not AWESOME all the time but I had forgotten that I had asked/mentioned in passing, what he thought about a plant in front of the window since he has such a green thumb and could he look into one for me. So when he showed up with it, I was like oh wow you got me a plant. You got me what I wanted. And when I told him how thankful I was he said you asked me for it and I was like yeah but I did not necessarily think you would get it. Something about that is pretty awesome to me and I am not expressing it in words as I would like but I know what it meant to me and that is the most important thing.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sabbath Lesson for Me

Today’s sermon by Pastor Carlton P. Byrd was God’s weapons of mass destruction. It was taken from Exodus 7 – 12. These texts tell the story of the 10 plagues God brought upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians as a result of Pharaoh refusing to let the Israelites go, they were;

1. All water outlets turned to blood (Exo. 7:17)

2. Frog infestation (Exo. 8:10)

3. Dust turned to lice (Exo. 9:17)

4. Fly infestation (Exo. 8:21)

5. Death of cattle (Exo. 9:2)

6. Boils (Exo. 9:9)

7. Hailstorm ( Exo. 9:18)

8. Locust (Exo. 10:4)

9. Darkness (Exo. 10:22)

10. Death of the first born (Exo. 12:29)

My take away or what I was reminded of is that God is our protector and avenger. He(God) does not need me to fight situations I find myself in. He will protect and avenge me in ways I could never have thought or imagined and He uses weapons I could never have thought of. Who would have ever thought frogs could be used as a weapon? My God is awesome!!!!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Quote for Today

I was reviewing a blog that I follow (the Briden Bunch) and I came across the following quote

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.

~Saint Augustine
This and the fact that I a humanitarian at heart is the reason I am destined to join the foreign service working for USAID or the CDC.  Here I Come!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sabbath Lesson For Me

My Sabbath lesson occured before I even went to church.  I read it in my morning devotional book ( it is comprised of stories by women from around the world).  And the day's author made the following prayer that I thought was noteworthy

Lord, help me to simply love others as they are.  Help me also to value the things that are eternal and to accept the things that are temporal.

I thought was rather poetic I hope you see the same.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sabbath Lesson for Me

It's Sabbath and I went to church even with the snow.  I am only two exits from church so I have no excuse.  It was nice.  The Mayor of  the City of Atlanta was there being honored as part of our Black History Awards honoring those who have me strides in African American History.  Our mayor is Kasim Reed, he is a young (late thirties) and I guess I can say progessive.  He was voted in after a heated election.  He made a statment using a quote from Dr. King that I had never heard.  I have spent the last hour searching for it online.  It spoke of the next generation of privilege.  I could not find that one however I found a two others that I thought I would share

by Dr. King

I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream—a dream yet unfulfilled. A dream of equality of opportunity, of privilege and property widely distributed; a dream of a land where men will not take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few;..... ; a dream of a nation where all our gifts and resources are held not for ourselves alone, but as instruments of service for the rest of humanity; the dream of a country where every man will respect the dignity and worth of the human personality. That is the dream...

AFL-CIO Convention, December 1961

and relative to today's climent of the so called Recession
When there is massive unemployment in the black community, it is called a social problem. But when there is massive unemployment in the white community, it is called a Depression.

We look around every day and we see thousands and millions of people making inadequate wages. Not only do they work in our hospitals, they work in our hotels, they work in our laundries, they work in domestic service, they find themselves underemployed. You see, no labor is really menial unless you're not getting adequate wages. People are always talking about menial labor. But if you're getting a good (wage) as I know that through some unions they've brought it up...that isn't menial labor. What makes it menial is the income, the wages.

Local 1199 Salute to Freedom, March 1968

Friday, February 12, 2010

Not Washington, DC but

It snowed today.  The pic is of my house I thought I would capture it as it snowed on it.   I took off today and it was a joy from the moment I woke up till now (minus the slight headache I have now which only tells me I ate something with dairy in it and I did not know it).  My mom and I decided since I had my dad's truck to head up to Dawsonville to visit Pottery Barn Outlet  to make use of my employee discount which I fear will be ending soon since holding down my full time job at the Food Bank and going to grad school full time is taking most of my time so much so that I barely have time to for just me in addition to studying.  However giving up the discount is a lot to let go.  Every since I have worked there I have said I want a sofa and I have yet to buy one.  I have furnished my dining room, a guest room, my bedroom and now my office ( you will see the transformation, I am working on it this weekend stay tuned) but not my living room.  I even went to the Outlet for the purpose of finishing up getting stuff for my office and I did all but for  a drape which I will run over to West Elm ( a division of William Sonoma which also owns Pottery Barn and the discount work there too)  over the weekend to see if they have anything.  I feel like I keep drifting but the point is I bought a sofa today for the bargain basement price of $300 (yes it is new), I only wish they had two of them.  I feel I can now comfortable depart from the great PB without any regrets I have gotten what I wanted but then I really want to furnish my other guest room.  The discount keeps calling me back once you pay a drastically different price it is hard to go back to buying at full price, the fake sale price and even the clearance price when you know if you gave up 4-10 hours a week you could benefit from a great discount.  Stay tuned on when I let go!!!!

Monday, February 01, 2010

January Family Get Together

We have started this tradition with my father's side of the family that for all the family in the ATL that we get together once a month at someone's home have dinner. This month it was at my house and the theme was a Soup Swap. It turned out really nice and everyone had a nice time. At first I was a little concerned that the family would not know what to do with just themselves with no TV to fill in the time. All worked out well. We talked, communicated and learned something about each other. We enjoyed a great variety of soups, grilled cheese and crackers and wonderful company. I look forward to the next get together!!!

oh by the way I provided the picture of the table because I find a well dressed table inviting and this particular one I put together myself and I am kind of proud of it!!!.

Friday, January 01, 2010

New Years Day 2010

Last Year was my Year of Restoration, the list I created is below along with the resolutions that occured in 2009

1. Restoring my relationship with God - living the life I believe -CONTINUAL PROCESS
2. Restoring my career that utilizes my education, talents, gifts and drive to travel the world to make a positive impact for change - I AM IN GRADUATE SCHOOL TO ASSIST IN POSITIONING ME TO FULFILL THIS
3. Restoring my status to loving wife, friend, life companion to a man that is a Christian, Adventist, leader, honorable, respectful and knows how to love me best - THE LORD IS WORKING ON IT
4. Restoring my finances to position me to return in tithes and offering what I currently make in less than five years - FINISHING MY DEGREE WILL ASSIST IN THIS FULFULLMENT
5. Restoring me to a level of maturity that accepts people as they are and respecting their desire to be different - I THINK I HAVE

Now as for 2010 I have to repeat those listed above with continued emphasis on my relationship with God and financial stability where the only thing I owe any man is love. Debt free is the goal. I will add I am would like to have secured a consistent weight goal of 140 pounds with a regular weekly exercise routine that I hope will include biking. I think that is it. I will recap next year this time.