Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sabbath Health Lesson for Me

Today was health ministry day at West End and the speaker was Curtis Eakins. He made the following highlights that I will try to implement in my diet. If you want to hear the sermon in total feel free to click on the following link.

Journal of the American Dietic Association

certain fats clog arteries more than any other

3 top saturated fats that clog arteries ounce for ounce pound for pound
saturated fats once eaten coverts into cholesterol

1. cheese (usage gone up 145% since 1970) also have 200 300 mg of sodium
2. ground beeg (it goes up and down, ecoli goes down, akins diet goes up)
3. whole milk (has gone down people are buying 2%, skim etc.)

Each food is assigned a potential renal(kidney) acid load (PRAL) the lower the number the better the food is for your kidneys the higher the number the worse it is for your kidneys

1. fruits and vegetables have a negative number - great for kidney
2. whole grain have a plus one or plus two
3. pork, fish, lamb, beeg have a plus 7 -8 begin to stress kidney
4. cheese 18
5. egg yoke 23
6. mozarella 28
6. parmesam cheese 34

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