Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day Activities

My family has a tradition of pooling our resources and making bags filled with t shirts, socks, hats, underwear, personal hygeine products and a few edible items for the homeless Christmas Eve and distributing them to the homeless Christmas morning in downtown Atlanta. Here is some of our prep. I did not go out this year to pass them out I opted to stay at home and watch my niece and make her a little skirt and breakfast for my weary family who braved the cold dedicated to the cause!

My niece helped a little passing the bags during our little assembly line making the bags. Then this box got her attention and she was off the assembly line.  It is the simplest things that keep kids entertained for hours!

Annual Holiday Party

My Holiday Party was a few weeks ago however I realized I did not share it on here.  I struggled with what activity we should do.  The options I had was making an gingerbread house that I found at Williams Sonoma or a wreath kit I found at Paper Source. I sent out a poll to the group of attendees and they choose the wreath kit. I had them select the one they wanted and here are a few pictures of what this beautiful group of ladies created. I would be remissed if I did not mention that the wreath making was a task so much so it went partily over my scheduled party time and the ladies ended up taking they half completed wreaths home to finish. They were not detoured a few stayed up late at their house to finish. I am dysfunctional after 9 and delirious after 10 which is about the time they all left. Oh because I mentioned from my last post about the Beltline challenge, I came in second place on weight loss and no prize for me but I was proud of myself!!!

Thanksgiving 5 k 2013

I have always wanted to run in a thanksgiving day race today I did the Atlanta track club 5k in 25 degree weather and it felt colder than that. Finished in 34 minutes, I want to get my 5k down to 30 minutes!!! 

Saturday, December 07, 2013

December 10k

Completed my December 10k my final run for 2013. Woohooo I ran all four runs of the Beltline running series. We shall see if I won. I was In forth place before the run. The challenge looked at weight loss, speed and number of runs.  The winner will be announced this week.  Stay Tuned! I did learn that I have loss 12 pounds since the challenge started in April.  Woohooo! Finished today's run on one hour and nine minutes. My goal was one hour and ten!!!