I found this quote/post card on a fellow bloggers blog and I thought it was worthy to share. She found the postcard on this site. I also found further elaboration on the site that I have included below that I thought was pretty poetic as well.
..."But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid." Einstein's quote reminds us to think twice before measuring ourselves (and others) against inappropriate standards.
Everyone has a different ability or particular "genius." Often, comparing yourself to someone else's abilities might mean overlooking what it is you are naturally more suited towards doing. In other words, stop being a fish trying to climb a tree and embrace your fishiness. The point: We're not all made to be theoretical physicists. Aim for what you're good at, work hard for what you want, and don't beat yourself up when you can't do everything perfectly.