Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year in Review - Happy New Year 2012

This year has been amazing.  It started off with a blizzard that shut down the city of Atlanta and resulted in me having to replace the entire water line in my house.  The Lord provided. 

It continued with me celebrating my 35th birthday with great friends at an art studio.  Their master pieces decorate my workout room that houses my treadmill that is constantly helping me stay in shape and prepped me to complete my first triathlon.  The devil attempted to stop that from happening by having a car hit me on Mother's Day.  What the devil meant for evil God meant for good.   

I completed my Master's of Public Health and currently waiting on the Lord to take me to the next level in my career and my life.   I am believing God to do something beyond what I can think or imagine.   I know without a doubt He is steadily preparing me. 

I would be remissed if I did not mention that I lost my beloved iphone.  I am such an advocate for this phone you would think I was perked by Apple.  It is just an amazing device due to my unofficial selling of the product I have had 5 friends buy one yet I still I have not replaced mine, I just miss it so much.  No worries come January 25th when I am eligible without AT&T’s $250 early upgrade fee, I will have one by 10:10 am. 

I had the privilege to go to D.C. this year as the United States unveiled the first monument on the National Mall that pays tribute to the legacy and work of a black man – him being Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I had thought it in my heart that I wanted to go but did not make any particular steps to do so.  However, I serve an amazing God who will give me and you the smallest desires of our hearts even when we do not ask.  Just imagine what He would do for us if we asked in faith.  Father, help my unbelief! 

The year has come to a steady end and once again the Lord has showered me with great friends and family that I am thankful each day that I have in my life.  As for plans for 2012 I am waiting in expectation for God to do something extraordinary!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday Night Dinner

Friday Night Dinner this week consisted of Creamy Vegan Broccoli and Rice Casserole, homemade onion rolls and apple molasses cake. My aunt and uncle have this amazing garden and they sent me broccoli and I used it in this recipe and it was awesome!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

First Annual Holiday Cookie Exchange

I had a cookie exchange the second week in December.  Unfortunately it has taken me a little over a week to blog about and complete the frame with the art work of the ladies that attended.  It was for ladies only.  My brother attended to take care of Patches.  How awesome is that!

Here are some of the highlights!

The above is a picture of the invitation that each guest receivd compliments of Williams Sonoma holiday that I purchased at the end of the holidays, the agenda, the desert scoring sheet, cookie name tag and tag for bag of cookies to take home.  The backdrop is a place mate from the Reindeer Collection from Pottery Barn! They did not have this piece this year.  I added a cookie plate this year to my collection and I am looking forward to seeing what I will add when it goes on sale after the holidays.  You will see next year!

Each guest had their very own place mate, canvas, paint tray and an assortment of brushes

My mom and one guest - T painting the canvas all white before the other guests arrive.   T was the first to arrive.  All of my friends know my need for order and timeliness.  At least all showed up by 15 minutes after the designated start which took a lot, since most of my friends  have a husband and kids and it takes a minute to get them occupied so they can leave the house!

The ladies working away on their master pieces!

This is the winning desert, called Santa's hat.  Can I say they were awesome!! Thanks C.

Group picture with me in it thankfully.  My brother was there taking care of Patches, who ended up not needing to much attention, he was able to take a few pictures, thansk!  Patches did really well with a house full of people!  See all those platters of goodies, we were full!

All the ladies looking at their beautiful art work!

The final product is this wonderful frame of all of their art work.  The middle canvas is one I did with Patches, I put paint on her paw and gently pressed it up against the canvas.  She did not object to me doing that at all, I was very pleased.  I was afraid I was going to have paint all over the bathroom floor.  We survived.  Can you tell which two canvases are actually upside down?   Putting this together was little cumbersome and after two times of trying to put it together I was done.  I will update it again at my next painting party in the Spring!

In case you want to know the frame is of course from Pottery Barn it is their oversized (48' squatre)  Gallery Frame which is on sale on line for $159 however in the store it is $99.  Please know that because I work there I did not pay either price.  The benefits of having a part time job at a store you actually shop at!

These are just a few hightlights of a wonderful time  had with  some awesome ladies that took the time out on their Saturday evening to spend it with me!