Monday, July 18, 2011

My Visit to the Atlanta Edgewood Target Store

Friday I visited the my local Target Store.  They had Tide on sale $12 and if you buy 2 you get a $5 store gift card.  And because I saw this couponing show while I was in San Francisco a while back I have actually started cutting coupons for stuff I actually buy and I had a coupon for $3 off Tide.  I go up to the cashier and my total comes to 22.52 and I happily paid it so proud of my use of the coupon and getting the $5 gift card.  I ask the cashier for my gift card and she proceeds to tell me that it was applied in the transaction, I am taken a back for a second, and then proceed to tell her that is not possible based on the math alone.  She is not convinced I asked for the store manager, his name is Fred.  He comes to the same conclusion then I decide let do some elementary math for them the $12 each I buy 2, $12 x 2 = $24 minus my $3 coupon = $21 plus tax at 8% (1.52) = 22.52 please explain where the $5 gift card was applied.  He is still not convinced as you can imagine I am flabbergasted that the cashier and even the manager cannot perform basic math and additionally that they do not know basic store policy in that you cannot use a gift card that issued as a result of the transaction with in the same transaction.  During this interchange the store manager tells me that I am excited and to calm down and I thought I am not excited I am amazed by a couple of things;

1.  They could not perform basic math
2.  They did not know company policy
3.  The store manager did not know how to speak to a customer and an adult

Monday, July 11, 2011

Georgia Mutual Insurance Company Review

Well as you know from my previous post about being hit by a car while riding my bike that I have been dealing with the insurance company of the person that hit me.  Well this insurance company Georgia Mutual is probably one of the most unprofessional companies I have ever had the displeasure of working with. 

Where do I start the fact that the accident occurred on May 8th and I just received a check for my property damage on Saturday.  I was told by my lawyer that the adjuster would have the person that is picking up my property damage to call and arrange pick up sometime last week.  I did not receive a call.  However on Saturday morning I received a knock on my door a little after 8:00 am and it was the guy there to pick up my property and delivery my check. He had no ID associating him with the company and did not even have an inventory list of the items he was to pick up.  He was asking me what I was to give him besides the bike he was clueless.  I proceeded to ask him is it his custom to just show up at someones house unannounced.  He stated the called Friday and left a message about picking up the items.  I had not gotten the message and I proceeded to ask did I call you back and state that you could come.  He said no, but he stated he would just pop over and see if I was here to get it out of the way.  Are you serious you just show up at my house unannounced.  Who does that?  You are not family or a friend and it is not an emergency and you are not Publisher's Clearing House delivering me a check for a few million. 

I later checked my voicemail and he did indeed call me and left a message around 8:45 Friday evening stating he wanted to pick up the items Saturday and to give him a call back. First of all I do not expect a call about business so late in the evening and my friends even know after 9 pm it is wrap for me - bed time.  Because had he gotten me I would have told him no it is the Sabbath and out of respect for my belief I would not have entertained him however when he popped up and I want to end this whirlwind with this shady insurance company I gave them the items and accepted their check that I have been waiting on for two months now.

I understand that Georgia Mutual Insurance company is a company that insurers high risk drivers.  I totally understand that these drivers need insurance however drivers really investigate the insurance company.  If they give you the run around they will definitely give the person that you may hit, the run around because they do not want to pay out the damages that you caused.  You want to be a better person than that, you hurt someone.  Step up to your responsibility, be a good person.  In my case the person hit me directly from behind hitting my hip and knocking clear off her passenger side mirror, you know my hips got power, LOL.  I have pain off and on all the time thankfully it was not broken only bruised.  But the hassle Georgia Mutual has put me through has added to the psychological trauma of physically being hit by a car.  I am a little shaky every time I get on my bike so much so I have not ridden in over a  month and have sworn off riding on the street even with the new Georgia bike laws.

That's all for now on the topic if you are a high risk driver do not choose Georgia Mutual investigate the company ask a few questions - What is your required turn around to payout the property damage on the claim after the accident has been reported and given to the adjuster?  Does the victim have to provide the police report?  side note I had to go to the police department and pick up and fax to Georgia Mutual the police report if I wanted my case expedited, I guess two months is expedited?  Just a few basics!

Friday, July 08, 2011

Friday Night Dinner

Friday night dinner with the family included homemade black bean burgers that were so easy to make I will probably make again and freeze some and take them out as  needed.  In addition we had sweet potatoe fries which turned out pretty good.  I made strawberry cupcakes for my brother. He had been asking for a while so I finally made him some.  You know me I like presentation, here I present Friday night dinner plated and desert staged for your viewing pleasure.


My July Bed

Well this month's bed is compliments of West Elm.  This is the Organic Lily Pad duvet and Euro sham.  I must say I am liking the Organic fabric.  I find the duvet does not have to be ironed after I wash it like others I have bought.  It helped a little that this pattern was on sale plus my employee discount what more could a girl ask for.  I really enjoy how just chaning the duvet can change the room.  I am hoping the design I want for August is still available and on sale.  No need to buy it a month in advance.  Right? 

Sewing Project #1

Well I have been trying to get back into sewing since the summer began.  I am suppose to be working on a quilted poncho for my Dad made of all the t-shirts for various teams he has coached over the years.  The project is a massage undertaking that I am confident I can accomplish I just need a jump start.  Well this week I got the jump start aftering reading Happy Together Blog about making a headband. I saw and said I can make that and I did. I made two when I came home from work yesterday and wore one today to work.  What do you think?  I must say it was very easy and I am sure I will be making a few more of these.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

IPhone 4 Scam

Well as you know based on my last post I lost my iphone 4.

After calling AT &T a few times trying to understand how much it was cost to replace - $250 for the early upgrade fee ( it is not an upgrade just a replacement but still the fee exist).  I had no problem paying for the phone and extending the contract but $250 just because I want/need a new phone and then the cost of the phone.  Oh no that would put me at $450 before taxes a cost that I could not afford and was unwilling to pay at that point.

Well that began my investigation on ebay and craigslist.  I decided to go the craiglist route no mailing and easy pick it up in the ATL.  Well I found one on there for $275 drastically below what the others were selling them for the average was $400, which should have been my clue if it is to good to be true it really is.  Another figure out of my ball park.  I had arranged to mete the young lady at Starbucks.  I  took an initial look at the phone and  all seemed okay. I proceeded to put my sim card in and it went in another way then my last one which should have been my first clue but I was so longing to have the iphone 4 I ignored that.  My second clue should have been the fact that the touch screen hesitated when I touched if anything at least on my  last one it was extra sensitive. But I let it go the lady had her baby and she was getting agitated. My third clue should have been the fact that the earphones were not the standard issue Apple earphone. I should have known better,  I have been an Apple fan for years.   oh I made a phone call to make sure that worked however about 5 minutes after I gave her the money I  knew I had been had.  The camera did not work properly and the camera is worse then the iphone 3 which I actually had on me because I had my mom's phone.  I called my mom again from the phone and it shut off and I called her again from my other phone and just started crying.  I had just been scammed $275 all because I did not want to pay the $450 all for a saving of $175 and I still do not have a phone that works properly and I still need to get a phone.

I have so many feelings about this whole situation the main one is I feel God told me all along I should not have gone to meet her that was not the phone for me but I was more concerned about not standing the girl up than about pleasing God and listening to His voice.  But because I was so head strong and to my shame  I did not listen to the voice of God I am thus out of $275 and still do not have the phone the phone I wanted.  Father forgive me.

I emailed the girl and offered her the opportunity to return my money and I would give her iphone 4 clone however she has not responded.  Because I have more morals and my mom raised a better person I will not attempt to con someone else with the same phone.  I just want it out of my house.  It reminds me of my lack of faith in God to wait on Him to give me the phone and my ignoring His still small voice.

I have never knowingly been conned this is a lesson on that  and I feel embarrassed by that.  I try to believe in the honesty of people however this situation has truly blurred that belief.