A post is long over due. I am trying to see what the highlights have been in the last few weeks. The most memorable because it affects me everyday is that my Blackberry 8820 that I have had for years was laid to rest. Unfortunately, it died before I got all of my information out of it. You would think since I have had it so long and because my first 8820 was stolen that I would have backed it up, well I did not. I was forced to rush (yes rush I cannot be without a phone) to AT&T on a Friday afternnon is buy the infamour Iphone, as result I have become an instant APPLE lover!!! I enjoyed my 8820 however I can see how the Iphone was made for the user. I was impressed.
I did not participate in the Triathalon on October 3rd that I had been training and planning for for months. I went to pay for it and it had sold out. I had never heard of a race selling out but it did. However I went right ahead and paid for the opening Triathalon in June 2011 and my friend Joseph is going to particpate with me. I am excited about that. It should be fun. I am still running, biking and swimming. I think I will give up swimming until February for now. The hardest thing about working out is my HAIR. yes my hair, not the torcher my knees take with running or the tightness in my thighs experience from biking but my HAIR. My hair is not permed as you know and when it get wet from sweat or water from the pool it is a a nice size bush. It is braided now but that will change in a few days and I will have my favorite hair style of all, pressed as seen
here. This is really manageable and I think it is pretty on me. The only glitch is I cannot sweat, which means I cannot work out as hard as I have been. I will continue biking and do a ever so brisk walk/light run. We shall see. I have been praying that I would grow to love running. It is happening slowly and I do not want to detour the growth.
School is school. When i think about it it saddens so I try not to so much.
Work is work. and I trully enjoy my job and as I say all the time I would do what I do for free!!!
I will try to do better about posting. I am going to commit to once a week. Let's see how I do!!