Friday, September 18, 2009

Convocation at Morehouse School of Medicine

Today was the convocation at Morehouse School of Medicine. It was a very nice ceremony. Where can I begin, well first my mom and a man of significance to me went with me. I thought it was very nice of them to come and share in this moment in my life. I was awarded an academic scholarship which required me going on the stage and doing photo op with the Dean, being the center of attention for any amount of time is always something I shun. I only went to my undergraduate graduation because my mom paid the tuition it was more her moment than mine. Overall I enjoyed being in the presence of future doctors and learning of their individual achievements to date in their field. Dr. David Satcher spoke and he was awesome. He said a number of profound things that were really encouraging and touching. He stated the quote below that I thought was worthy of sharing;

The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled but it is a calamity not to dream. by Benjamin E. Mays

I had a great day and I thought I would share it!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Washington Post Article Noteworthy Quote

The following is a quote from an article by Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post:

"It's true that politics is the art of the possible, but it's also true that great leaders expand the scope of possibility...Giving up on the public option might be expedient. But we didn't elect Obama to be an expedient president. We elected him to be a great one. "

The link to the complete article is below:

Notes from a Sabbath Sermon on Men and Women

A few sabbaths ago we had a guest speaker and he stated the followed that I thought was noteworthy to share

Women marry men hoping they will change, men marry women hoping they will not change.

Monthly Books Review Quote

I usually try to read a book a month and in July I finished reading Sarah's Key by Titiana DeRosnay. In the book I read the following quote and thought I would share it

"The truth is harder than ignorance" page 124

By the way I am a little off track for August being in school and having lots of reading. I started reading Native Son by Richard Wright but I not not finished. I anticipate finishing it over the weekend. I already have my next book lined up - Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Oh and on a side note I believe everyone should read Native Son it should be listed along mandatory readings such as Moby Dick and the Iliad.