Well it is the Sabbath after Christmas and of course we had a Christmas themed sermon. I unfortunatly did not focus on it at all. Whenever I am at church and bored or distracted by my surrounding or distracted from my own thoughts I start to read the Bible to bring my mind back into a state of worship in God's Sanctuary. Today was no different. I starting reading in Luke in part directed by the fact that is where the day's text came from however i went pass the Luke 2 Christmas text and went on to read Luke 11:13 which states "if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your chidren: how much more shall your heavely Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him."
My take away from this text today reminded me of what I put in my Christmas letter. I mentioned not getting the one gift I wanted when in actuality I did get it and have had it a while. I know you are thinking I am talking about the gift of Christ sacrifice on the cross, I realize that and am undoubtedly thankful however that is not what I am talking about. God has given me the gift and just because I was not able to have it on Christmas Day as the world would say I should I had it all the previous 364 give or take a few days of 2009. So weighed properly and in perspective I think I am good, I am great!!!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My Christmast Letter 2009
This year started off with me attending the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States ---Barrack Obama. I had the honor of attending it with the man that I am now dating whom I will call from this point on Sunflowers per his request to remain anonymous to the world wide web. I was in the throng of thousands of people it was my chance to be a part of an historic moment in American History and Global Politics – I was humbled to be alive to witness this moment, Thank you Father.
Spring came and I ushered in my 33rd birthday at home with mom, Luther, Rodrecus, his fiancĂ©e Katrina and Sunflowers. Oh and Patches, the world’s best cocker spaniel. In the spring I also received acceptance into Morehouse School of Medicine Master of Public Health Program. The day I received the letter I got to share the moment with Sunflowers. We officially started dating in May give or take and Katrina became my sister-in-law as well.
I excitedly went through the summer waiting in expectation for the school year to start. School started in August. I am on the Epidemiology track meaning in one more year I will be an epidemiologist. What is an Epidemiologist? It is and I will soon be a scientist who studies the outbreak, frequency, distribution, and control of communicable diseases. And you know me those studies will be global, preferably on the continent of Africa.
My grandmother died in September. I was thankful to have had the opportunity to see her for her birthday in August and that Sunflowers was able to accompany me. I wanted him to meet her. It meant a lot to me then and even more now that she is gone. She left some pretty intelligent, educated, and respectful children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. May our daily lives speak to the work she put into each of us and may that be her legacy.
God has been awesome to me. He allowed me to gracefully finish my first semester with a 3.6 GPA, maintain my job and keep Sunflowers happily engaged. The last one is kind of a nice bonus. God is pretty cool about giving us not only what we ask for but sometimes just out of His sheer love for us, He gives us what we do not ask for.
It is the week of Christmas. I am not where I had planned to be and it just really hit me that I will not get the only thing I wanted for Christmas. I attempt to comfort myself with knowing that I must be where God would have me to be at this moment and enduring what He knows I can handle. It has taken and will probably continue to take a few (really a lot of bo hooing) tears, mental consultations and letting go to realize that however I am trying. I am thankful for the comfort that God brings and I will be thankful when this time has passed.
Over the course of the year I have had friends and family edit my interest letter for graduate school, reassure me of the calling God has on my life, pray for and with me and to just listen to me. They have all been very precious to me and for that I am thankful. I look forward to a new year of great possibilities, growth in myself spiritually and mentally and the privilege to share it all with people whom I get to share my gift of love to and whom get to share their gift of love to me.
Spring came and I ushered in my 33rd birthday at home with mom, Luther, Rodrecus, his fiancĂ©e Katrina and Sunflowers. Oh and Patches, the world’s best cocker spaniel. In the spring I also received acceptance into Morehouse School of Medicine Master of Public Health Program. The day I received the letter I got to share the moment with Sunflowers. We officially started dating in May give or take and Katrina became my sister-in-law as well.
I excitedly went through the summer waiting in expectation for the school year to start. School started in August. I am on the Epidemiology track meaning in one more year I will be an epidemiologist. What is an Epidemiologist? It is and I will soon be a scientist who studies the outbreak, frequency, distribution, and control of communicable diseases. And you know me those studies will be global, preferably on the continent of Africa.
My grandmother died in September. I was thankful to have had the opportunity to see her for her birthday in August and that Sunflowers was able to accompany me. I wanted him to meet her. It meant a lot to me then and even more now that she is gone. She left some pretty intelligent, educated, and respectful children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. May our daily lives speak to the work she put into each of us and may that be her legacy.
God has been awesome to me. He allowed me to gracefully finish my first semester with a 3.6 GPA, maintain my job and keep Sunflowers happily engaged. The last one is kind of a nice bonus. God is pretty cool about giving us not only what we ask for but sometimes just out of His sheer love for us, He gives us what we do not ask for.
It is the week of Christmas. I am not where I had planned to be and it just really hit me that I will not get the only thing I wanted for Christmas. I attempt to comfort myself with knowing that I must be where God would have me to be at this moment and enduring what He knows I can handle. It has taken and will probably continue to take a few (really a lot of bo hooing) tears, mental consultations and letting go to realize that however I am trying. I am thankful for the comfort that God brings and I will be thankful when this time has passed.
Over the course of the year I have had friends and family edit my interest letter for graduate school, reassure me of the calling God has on my life, pray for and with me and to just listen to me. They have all been very precious to me and for that I am thankful. I look forward to a new year of great possibilities, growth in myself spiritually and mentally and the privilege to share it all with people whom I get to share my gift of love to and whom get to share their gift of love to me.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
First Semester at MSM Completed Fall 2009
Well I have officially completed my first semester at Morehouse School of Medicine in the Master's of Public Health Program.
My goal was to get all A's however my report card reflects the following
A Fundamentals of Public Health
A- Epidemiology
A- Chronic Disease Epidemiology
B Statistical Computer Methods
I know you are thinking why not solid A's in the Epi courses since that is my end goal to be an Epidemiologist well what excuses can I give life happened. I am working full time and going to school full time so I find comfort in that. Now as for the B, what can I say I can trully say I did my best. It was very difficult however I do recognize that I need to improve on my SAS and SPSS abilities. I am trying to get a practicum that will focus on that skill development. Stay tuned I should have some info on that in April/May. I am excited about that.
I am now on a break till January 4th. I am trully enjoying it. I am actually have the chance to do a little cleaning and time for just me and Patches. I am taking it all in until then!!!
My goal was to get all A's however my report card reflects the following
A Fundamentals of Public Health
A- Epidemiology
A- Chronic Disease Epidemiology
B Statistical Computer Methods
I know you are thinking why not solid A's in the Epi courses since that is my end goal to be an Epidemiologist well what excuses can I give life happened. I am working full time and going to school full time so I find comfort in that. Now as for the B, what can I say I can trully say I did my best. It was very difficult however I do recognize that I need to improve on my SAS and SPSS abilities. I am trying to get a practicum that will focus on that skill development. Stay tuned I should have some info on that in April/May. I am excited about that.
I am now on a break till January 4th. I am trully enjoying it. I am actually have the chance to do a little cleaning and time for just me and Patches. I am taking it all in until then!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Sabbath Lesson For Me
Well today I went to Berean and Pastor Byrd spoke and the title of his sermon was "Raising Another Man's Baby." The premise coming from Matthew 1 and the story of Joseph and Mary and Jesus being another man's (God's) baby. He related it back to the point that there are a lot of children that need to be raised. You and I need to do it in an effort to help them become a better person. He brought out a news story of a lady living the American dream (married, 2 1/2 kids and a dog) and how it was taken away when some three young boys less than 17 years old broke into her house killed her husband an violated her daugther and traumatized her. The lady went through the trial and pleaded against the death penalty for these young men and visited them to learn of their story and how one of them was just looking for someone to look up to and how he ended up with the wrong group of people and ended up at her house. And she made the statment in the story if only someone had taken on the responsiblity to raise another man's baby.
I thought the sermone was worthy of note and thus have shared it with you. I pray that I and you take it upon ourselves to guide, direct and love the young people that we come in contact with.
I thought the sermone was worthy of note and thus have shared it with you. I pray that I and you take it upon ourselves to guide, direct and love the young people that we come in contact with.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
As I thought about this post I had mixed emotions that I am trying to decipher how to express.
My holiday weekend started Wednesday. I kept my nephew for the day which was an adventure and tiresome.
Patches (my dog) and I went to my mom and Luther's for breakfast. It was a pleasant family time with just the three of us. My brother was off with his in-laws. In the midst of the day I sent and received text messages from friends saying Happy Thanksgiving. It was nice. I had a great Thanksgiving dinner with family and did not make a thing well I did make sugar cookies per request but that was minor since in the past I have cooked an entire Thanksgiving meal. I think school and working took all of my energy, only thing I wanted to do was just mingle, eat and leave. and that is exactly what I did. I came home and chatted with two long time friends. I forgot to mention that at dinner we went around asking what we were thankful for and the first thing that came to mind was the fact that I have some great, amazing friends. There was a time in my life were I did not have any friends. I prayed that God would send me just one and HE sent me SEVERAL, that is just how awesome my God is, He blesses us above and beyond what we could even ask, think or imagine!!!. I am crying now just thinking about His blessing so lets move on to Friday
I thought I was going to go to the outlet at midnight with a friend who wanted to go shopping for his house and get all the great deals. At midnight he was otherwise occupied and I was kind of thankful because I was sleepy and really was not to feeling the crowds but oh at 8 he was ready and came knocking on my door and I said sure lets go. Off we went not too extraordinary I bought the 2nd of 3 parts of the desk I have been acquiring from Pottery Barn Outlet and a skirt that was the only significant purchase. He was able to get some stuff for his house. I came back and road out to my brother's for our annual Friday night dinner. It was ok, they had some additional quest of his wife's family.
I went to church. I was blessed most by the study of the sabbath school lesson. I was blessed least by the political campaigning facilitated by the pastor. I am still trying decipher how I feel about that but at the moment I am disappointed. In the evening I had the opportunity to go out to dinner and celebrate the birthday of one of those friends I mentioned earlier along with her sisters and some more friends. We had a nice time.
I had the opportunity to rest at little before heading to PB. Work was uneventful as always I would have loved a massage upon my return home however I just did my little foot and toe stretches that will do the trick until I have a personal massage therapist. And I am now writing this post.
That is all. I hope each of had a great Thanksgiving with true friends and family and always remember to be thankful each day you have breath it means God still has a plan for your life and looking forward to you fulfilling it!!!!!
This line is in addition to my original post because I got a phone call from someone whose name is still Sunflowers to me just after I published this post which is pretty amazing because the exact same thing happend last year.
My holiday weekend started Wednesday. I kept my nephew for the day which was an adventure and tiresome.
Patches (my dog) and I went to my mom and Luther's for breakfast. It was a pleasant family time with just the three of us. My brother was off with his in-laws. In the midst of the day I sent and received text messages from friends saying Happy Thanksgiving. It was nice. I had a great Thanksgiving dinner with family and did not make a thing well I did make sugar cookies per request but that was minor since in the past I have cooked an entire Thanksgiving meal. I think school and working took all of my energy, only thing I wanted to do was just mingle, eat and leave. and that is exactly what I did. I came home and chatted with two long time friends. I forgot to mention that at dinner we went around asking what we were thankful for and the first thing that came to mind was the fact that I have some great, amazing friends. There was a time in my life were I did not have any friends. I prayed that God would send me just one and HE sent me SEVERAL, that is just how awesome my God is, He blesses us above and beyond what we could even ask, think or imagine!!!. I am crying now just thinking about His blessing so lets move on to Friday
I thought I was going to go to the outlet at midnight with a friend who wanted to go shopping for his house and get all the great deals. At midnight he was otherwise occupied and I was kind of thankful because I was sleepy and really was not to feeling the crowds but oh at 8 he was ready and came knocking on my door and I said sure lets go. Off we went not too extraordinary I bought the 2nd of 3 parts of the desk I have been acquiring from Pottery Barn Outlet and a skirt that was the only significant purchase. He was able to get some stuff for his house. I came back and road out to my brother's for our annual Friday night dinner. It was ok, they had some additional quest of his wife's family.
I went to church. I was blessed most by the study of the sabbath school lesson. I was blessed least by the political campaigning facilitated by the pastor. I am still trying decipher how I feel about that but at the moment I am disappointed. In the evening I had the opportunity to go out to dinner and celebrate the birthday of one of those friends I mentioned earlier along with her sisters and some more friends. We had a nice time.
I had the opportunity to rest at little before heading to PB. Work was uneventful as always I would have loved a massage upon my return home however I just did my little foot and toe stretches that will do the trick until I have a personal massage therapist. And I am now writing this post.
That is all. I hope each of had a great Thanksgiving with true friends and family and always remember to be thankful each day you have breath it means God still has a plan for your life and looking forward to you fulfilling it!!!!!
This line is in addition to my original post because I got a phone call from someone whose name is still Sunflowers to me just after I published this post which is pretty amazing because the exact same thing happend last year.
Friday, November 13, 2009
New Hair Cut
My mom and I went to the Salon Nede and got our hair done today. For the first time in my adult life I actually got my hair cut in an actual style. A person of significance identified what I normally get as a trim not a cut/style. Due to the fact that I was contemplating getting a significant trim I decided to get my hair cut in an actual style hence the picture. My mom joined in this adventure and got a cut as well.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sabbath Lesson for me

Today my best friend Tara was in town with her husband and kids as part of an event at my church. After church and dinner she and her daughters came over.
We are all sitting in the living room and Tara decides to give her oldest daughter McKenzie a lesson in fractions. She first asked what is the fraction of living things in the room that is a dog, referring to my dog Patches. So I decide to ask her what is the fraction of art work on the wall that was done by me. Let me give a side note of the fact that in my living room I have a framed chalk board that I write scriptures, inspirational notes or greetings to visitors weekly. Today on the board it stated Father, let the words my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable (found in Psalms 19:14). I have one forest painting that I painted, a painting that I brought from Tanzania and the chalk board. I ask McKenzie about the chalk board, her mom answers and says that is not art and McKenzie states with confidence that God's word is art. And then I say wow that is deep. I asked her to write in the board and I am thus sharing that with you.
That was my Sabbath lesson not the quote but the innocence of a child. I am thankful for a friend, mother, person raising their children to have a relationship with God, a knowledge, respect and love of God. When I am in some settings it saddens me to see parents attempting to raise their children without that, it concerns me of what they will one day become. Kudos to great parents who know the greatest teacher is God and his text book is the BIBLE!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Update on School
Well just to give an update I had mid term exams about two weeks ago. I received my grades and to date I have two A's and two B's. My goals is all A's. Stay tuned!!!. I am still excited about pursuing my MPH and the opportunities that it will prayfully open to me.
A few weeks ago I decided to investigate every division at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that I would want to work for and email the person that heads the particular division of interest. Of the 20 people I emailed 10 emailed me back and provided input, referral or just encouragement. As I result I also had the honor of speaking with the head of a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on yesterday and it was an amazing conversation. I was very appreciative that he took the time and provided some very insightful information that will guide my professional career. It affirmed in me that their are people in the world and in higher level position in corporations and organization that enjoy mentoring others. Tey realize they will not always hold the position they have and want to ensure that the individuals that follow them are as prepared and equiped to build upon what they have established and develop it even further.
Thank you Father for using your people to aid and direct me!!!
A few weeks ago I decided to investigate every division at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that I would want to work for and email the person that heads the particular division of interest. Of the 20 people I emailed 10 emailed me back and provided input, referral or just encouragement. As I result I also had the honor of speaking with the head of a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on yesterday and it was an amazing conversation. I was very appreciative that he took the time and provided some very insightful information that will guide my professional career. It affirmed in me that their are people in the world and in higher level position in corporations and organization that enjoy mentoring others. Tey realize they will not always hold the position they have and want to ensure that the individuals that follow them are as prepared and equiped to build upon what they have established and develop it even further.
Thank you Father for using your people to aid and direct me!!!
Saturday, October 03, 2009
A little over a week ago an event happened that established the following belief in me:
Communication and follow-thru on your word is how trust is attained and maintained in all relationships.
Communication and follow-thru on your word is how trust is attained and maintained in all relationships.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Convocation at Morehouse School of Medicine
Today was the convocation at Morehouse School of Medicine. It was a very nice ceremony. Where can I begin, well first my mom and a man of significance to me went with me. I thought it was very nice of them to come and share in this moment in my life. I was awarded an academic scholarship which required me going on the stage and doing photo op with the Dean, being the center of attention for any amount of time is always something I shun. I only went to my undergraduate graduation because my mom paid the tuition it was more her moment than mine. Overall I enjoyed being in the presence of future doctors and learning of their individual achievements to date in their field. Dr. David Satcher spoke and he was awesome. He said a number of profound things that were really encouraging and touching. He stated the quote below that I thought was worthy of sharing;
The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled but it is a calamity not to dream. by Benjamin E. Mays
I had a great day and I thought I would share it!
The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach. It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled but it is a calamity not to dream. by Benjamin E. Mays
I had a great day and I thought I would share it!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Washington Post Article Noteworthy Quote
The following is a quote from an article by Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post:
"It's true that politics is the art of the possible, but it's also true that great leaders expand the scope of possibility...Giving up on the public option might be expedient. But we didn't elect Obama to be an expedient president. We elected him to be a great one. "
The link to the complete article is below:
"It's true that politics is the art of the possible, but it's also true that great leaders expand the scope of possibility...Giving up on the public option might be expedient. But we didn't elect Obama to be an expedient president. We elected him to be a great one. "
The link to the complete article is below:
Notes from a Sabbath Sermon on Men and Women
A few sabbaths ago we had a guest speaker and he stated the followed that I thought was noteworthy to share
Women marry men hoping they will change, men marry women hoping they will not change.
Women marry men hoping they will change, men marry women hoping they will not change.
Monthly Books Review Quote
I usually try to read a book a month and in July I finished reading Sarah's Key by Titiana DeRosnay. In the book I read the following quote and thought I would share it
"The truth is harder than ignorance" page 124
By the way I am a little off track for August being in school and having lots of reading. I started reading Native Son by Richard Wright but I not not finished. I anticipate finishing it over the weekend. I already have my next book lined up - Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Oh and on a side note I believe everyone should read Native Son it should be listed along mandatory readings such as Moby Dick and the Iliad.
"The truth is harder than ignorance" page 124
By the way I am a little off track for August being in school and having lots of reading. I started reading Native Son by Richard Wright but I not not finished. I anticipate finishing it over the weekend. I already have my next book lined up - Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Oh and on a side note I believe everyone should read Native Son it should be listed along mandatory readings such as Moby Dick and the Iliad.
Friday, August 21, 2009
First Week in MPH Program at Morehouse School of Medicine
Well I have completed my first week at Morehouse in their MPH program. It looks like it is going to be a great semester. I had the opportunity to meet a number of people and learn a few things about public health and continue to be confirmed about my track focus of epidemiology. Being in a scholastic environment is always eye opening to me. I actually enjoy school. I am already looking forward to going to get my doctorate when I turn 40. My top school as of today is Loma Linda University. I figured I started my secondary education at an Seventh-day Adventist institution it might be a good idea to have a finale at one as well.
I would be negligent if I did not mention that this past weekend I visited my grandmother in Notasulga, Alamama (about 10 miles from Tuskegee, AL) as she celebrated her 80something birthday. It as nice to be around cousins, aunts and uncles. I took at person of significance along with me and he always amazes me how is able to be right at home where ever he finds himself. It is a trait I hope will gradually rub off on me. After visiting with my grandmother we visited my mom's sisters and my uncle. It was a nice visit. My uncle is a Vietnam veteran and for the first time in my life he talked about his experience and I had the opportunity to thank him for his service to our country as I do to all the service men and women I encounter in my life. I never had the opportunity to thank my uncle because it had always been something we did not discuss. I felt honored that he felt comfortable enough to talk about it now with me. We also talked about the horses he has raised and continues to raises. He has some amazing stories that had us laughing for a long time and into the future as I think of them now.
Also on Friday , I realize i am writing this blog backwards sorry but I am sure you will get it. I had dinner at my brother and his wife's house. He cooked dinner for us and I was reminded that I very proud of him and I love him. I actually called him today and told him that.
Okay that is it for now. I am going to try to be more diligent on my post from now on as I am sure I will have more to share as I will be going to school full time, working full time and enjoying an awesome relationships with friends and family and one person of extra special significance! Stay tuned!
I would be negligent if I did not mention that this past weekend I visited my grandmother in Notasulga, Alamama (about 10 miles from Tuskegee, AL) as she celebrated her 80something birthday. It as nice to be around cousins, aunts and uncles. I took at person of significance along with me and he always amazes me how is able to be right at home where ever he finds himself. It is a trait I hope will gradually rub off on me. After visiting with my grandmother we visited my mom's sisters and my uncle. It was a nice visit. My uncle is a Vietnam veteran and for the first time in my life he talked about his experience and I had the opportunity to thank him for his service to our country as I do to all the service men and women I encounter in my life. I never had the opportunity to thank my uncle because it had always been something we did not discuss. I felt honored that he felt comfortable enough to talk about it now with me. We also talked about the horses he has raised and continues to raises. He has some amazing stories that had us laughing for a long time and into the future as I think of them now.
Also on Friday , I realize i am writing this blog backwards sorry but I am sure you will get it. I had dinner at my brother and his wife's house. He cooked dinner for us and I was reminded that I very proud of him and I love him. I actually called him today and told him that.
Okay that is it for now. I am going to try to be more diligent on my post from now on as I am sure I will have more to share as I will be going to school full time, working full time and enjoying an awesome relationships with friends and family and one person of extra special significance! Stay tuned!
Monday, July 06, 2009
My 4th of July
Well for the fourth of July I decided to tag along with my dad to see my grandmother (his mom). We had a pleasant trip down. I got to spend some one on one time with my grandmother whose health is declining. I also brought along my dog, who has visited her numerous times before and seems to relax her. My aunt who lives close to my grandmother came over and comes in the house and sees Patches (my dog) and starts cursing and yelling at me to get this dog out of my grandmother's house. I am just in shock, thinking is she joking, is she serious. I am just in a state of temporary shock. I take Patches outside.
After I get over my disbelief I return to the house and inform my aunt that I would appreciate it she never spoke to me like that again, I assured her that I am not a child and do not appreciate being spoken to like one (and honestly I would not like child to be spoken to the way I was, side issue I know). I felt relieved once I said that to her but felt crushed in a sense that I would even need to. I do not curse, I do not argue, I do not yell to reprimand ( I relent most often because I dislike discord) and had she just said Denise can you put Patches outside I may have said why since this is my Grandmother's house and she does not have an issue with Patches and that is the most important person but I would have relented but to curse and raise your voice to me hurts me to my inner core.
This experience reminded me why I make what I call "appearances" around my family. If I make an appearance more than twice a year it is normally to much. I just saw most of my dad's side last weekend at my cousins wedding. Hence to much and then I will definitely attend my grandmother birthday party in August, I would have exceeded my max in just two months. Lets pray now!
Family tend to see you as the child you once were and not the adult you now are.
After I get over my disbelief I return to the house and inform my aunt that I would appreciate it she never spoke to me like that again, I assured her that I am not a child and do not appreciate being spoken to like one (and honestly I would not like child to be spoken to the way I was, side issue I know). I felt relieved once I said that to her but felt crushed in a sense that I would even need to. I do not curse, I do not argue, I do not yell to reprimand ( I relent most often because I dislike discord) and had she just said Denise can you put Patches outside I may have said why since this is my Grandmother's house and she does not have an issue with Patches and that is the most important person but I would have relented but to curse and raise your voice to me hurts me to my inner core.
This experience reminded me why I make what I call "appearances" around my family. If I make an appearance more than twice a year it is normally to much. I just saw most of my dad's side last weekend at my cousins wedding. Hence to much and then I will definitely attend my grandmother birthday party in August, I would have exceeded my max in just two months. Lets pray now!
Family tend to see you as the child you once were and not the adult you now are.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
My Cousin's Wedding
Okay, well let's give background. I was asked to be in the wedding months/a year ago. Of course I said yes. I wanted to celebrate this occasion in my cousin's life. I knew buying a dress and shoes were inevitable. and I purchased both items that I will never wear again without complaint. A couple of weeks ago I was informed that I would not be brining a guest(not that I had not planned on bringing one but that I would not be bringing one). The rational for that was that I am in the wedding and would not have time to entertain a guest. Unless I was to marry my guest before the wedding they would remain uninvited. I kind of thought it all as a joke. But we all know Brides can be irrational. So I just said ok.I got an itinerary a week before the wedding informing me of my need to get a French pedicure and manicure and that jewelry would be provided to wear for the wedding. The jewelry statement did not mean anything to me since for over 20 years I have not worn and I would kind of think my cousin would have known that -- stay tuned. On Thursday or Friday, my dad informed me that my step brother would not be attending, so you know me in my rational thinking I thought well great that means my guest can come. For my cousin that is not what that meant. She was opposed. So I just said okay. I am so sorry did not intend to stress her out. On Friday I attend the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. I am all compliments, smiles and helpfulness to celebrate her big day. At the rehearsal dinner we are given little bags with what I would assume is thank you gifts for being in the wedding. Included in my bag is a mirror compact with my initials on it and a pearl necklace and pearl earring. Those last two things were a bit of a surprise since as you recall from earlier I have not worn jewelry in over 20 years. So I mention to my aunt how should I address this to minimize the stress on my cousin/the bride. She states along with others at the table why don't you just wear it. I say no I do not wear jewelry>>> side note why do people try to tell you to do something that you inform them that you do not do<<<< Father help me respect people decisions. Why can't we respect people's choice without trying to convince them otherwise (understandable in situations where they have potential to harm themselves or others it is warranted). My aunt goes on to say just do not wear it.On the grand wedding day of June 27th. The wedding is nice. I do not fall and actually hold up in the heals. The 30 minutes of practicing everyday the week before paid off. All in an effort to celebrate her day. I am social, cordial and friendly. I have to add I did disappear in the midst of the reception because I found out I had a flat tire. I would share that story but this post has gotten long enough. My dad changes it and I return to socialize for a while and depart home to get some much needed rest.On Sunday afternoon, day after my cousin's wedding at exactly 1:57 pm my cousin sends me a text message stating “I was just informed that you did not wear jewelry which you did not tell me and they didn't want to upset me yesterday (her wedding day). I would like my jewelry back please." Now imagine my surprise to receive this text. I first just had to laugh seriously laugh. Wow she thought of me the day after her wedding and that she wants the jewelry back that she gave me as a gift. Now let me further analyze her text. I did not inform her that I did not wear jewelry. Let's see since it was not a recent decision of mine it would be safe to assume I thought she would know that. Second they (meaning her mom) did not want to upset her on her wedding day. My decision 20 years ago not to wear jewelry would upset her. uhmmmmmmmmmm. Upset about a choice I made indifferent of your wedding. I just have to say uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. She wants the jewelry back. Well since I am not going to wear it that seems kind of reasonable however it was still a gift that I would probably re gift or return to some how recoup the money I spent on the bridesmaid dress, the shoes, my hair, the manicure, the pedicure, the gas back and forth uhmmmmmmmmmmm. However in response to her text I just say OK. Sometimes you just have to say OK.
Friday, June 26, 2009
End of June
I just finished reviewing my blog and I realized I have not posted since early May. I am going to try to catch up in this post.
Well a great matriarch of Seventh-day Adventist music died on June 11th. Her name is Alma Montgomery Blackmon. I had the opportunity to have conversations with her many times over the past twenty years and I never told her how much I appreciated her ability to conduct, arrange and perform musical programs with an air of reverence and respect. I regret that.
I also regret I never had to her as a voice coach. I always said to myself that once I was engaged I would have her teach me voice so i could sing on Only God Could Love You More to my husband on my wedding day. Since my official wedding day has not happened and she is no longer with us the chances of that sung being sang by me is less likely now.
I went to Orangeburg, SC two weeks ago with a friend for the South Atlantic Conference Campmeeting. It was nice. We had musical guest Cece Winans. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. Her personality exudes genuineness. I was definitely ministered to.
I have decided to attend Morehouse School of Medicine. I kind of decided that (unconciously) the moment I applied. I figure it was between Emory and Morehouse and if I was going to shell out over $20,000 for my MPH, I should make sure the check is going to a school that one is good ( I would not have applied otherwise), has great networking opportunities and that historically supports and performs research on people like me - an African American and others from under represented backgrounds and educates the public and thus Morehouse has been chosen. I look forward to joining the ranks of it disguished alumni. I am sure I will have lot to blog on over the next two years in that regard.
This weekend I have my cousins wedding. I will blog about that on Monday however the logistics of it all has already started. Stay tuned!!!
Well a great matriarch of Seventh-day Adventist music died on June 11th. Her name is Alma Montgomery Blackmon. I had the opportunity to have conversations with her many times over the past twenty years and I never told her how much I appreciated her ability to conduct, arrange and perform musical programs with an air of reverence and respect. I regret that.
I also regret I never had to her as a voice coach. I always said to myself that once I was engaged I would have her teach me voice so i could sing on Only God Could Love You More to my husband on my wedding day. Since my official wedding day has not happened and she is no longer with us the chances of that sung being sang by me is less likely now.
I went to Orangeburg, SC two weeks ago with a friend for the South Atlantic Conference Campmeeting. It was nice. We had musical guest Cece Winans. She is such a beautiful person inside and out. Her personality exudes genuineness. I was definitely ministered to.
I have decided to attend Morehouse School of Medicine. I kind of decided that (unconciously) the moment I applied. I figure it was between Emory and Morehouse and if I was going to shell out over $20,000 for my MPH, I should make sure the check is going to a school that one is good ( I would not have applied otherwise), has great networking opportunities and that historically supports and performs research on people like me - an African American and others from under represented backgrounds and educates the public and thus Morehouse has been chosen. I look forward to joining the ranks of it disguished alumni. I am sure I will have lot to blog on over the next two years in that regard.
This weekend I have my cousins wedding. I will blog about that on Monday however the logistics of it all has already started. Stay tuned!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Life Lesson
I just finished having a staff meeting at my job and our COO mentioned this quote that I had never heard by Mark Twain and I thought I would share it;
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
by Mark Twain
I thought this was a great quote. As I have travelled I can see how my world view has expanded and my appreciation and respect for others not like me has deepened.
Also at the staff meeting my former boss at my current job was at our staff meeting to be apart of honoring a staff person that has been with the organization for 20 years. She had been here 19 before she left. She made the comment of herself that she had been at the organization ( am not mentioning because I still work here and if you know me you know the organization or you can google it) way to long and she said I had too. I did not take it negatively I appreciate her recognizing my potential and knowing I have more to contribute. It was kind of an affirmation. Thanks Father for allowing others to see Your calling on my life is more!!!!
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
by Mark Twain
I thought this was a great quote. As I have travelled I can see how my world view has expanded and my appreciation and respect for others not like me has deepened.
Also at the staff meeting my former boss at my current job was at our staff meeting to be apart of honoring a staff person that has been with the organization for 20 years. She had been here 19 before she left. She made the comment of herself that she had been at the organization ( am not mentioning because I still work here and if you know me you know the organization or you can google it) way to long and she said I had too. I did not take it negatively I appreciate her recognizing my potential and knowing I have more to contribute. It was kind of an affirmation. Thanks Father for allowing others to see Your calling on my life is more!!!!
Monday, May 04, 2009
God's Answers Yes and No
Last Sabbath the pastor spoke on blessings. One of the main points I have been meaning to blog since last sabbath was my notes on blessings. We wonder sometimes why GOD may say NO to our petition for a house, a job, or a spouse. We sometimes have the misconception that GOD has not answered us because He did not say yes but when in actuality He has, it was just not what we necessarily wanted or expected. I think about the various things in my life and I can honestly say thank you Lord for not granting me my petition as I had asked. As I review my petitions I see that if GOD had answered the way I wanted I would be married to an unfaithful husband, I would be at another job and not headed to get my MPH which will launch me to were the LORD desires me to position me for greatness ( I decided today I want to be a Fulbright Scholar along with my long time ambition of being a MacArthur Genuis Award Winner), and I would not have my house, to name a few. So the overall purpose of this post is to say that GOD's blessing can be YES or NO
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Prayer Meeting
I attended Prayer Meeting last night and it was really good. I was blessed before the pastor got totally into the message. He recalled the story of Lot in the Bible. Genesis 19 specifically talks about how the angel of God told Lot and his family to leave Sodom and not to look back. Lot's wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. She looked back at the past and what was there and was not focused on where God was leading them - to a better place.
I reflected on this and I thought about the people and places I have left behind for my good and how I have sometimes looked back and even gone back to my own detriment. Lord forgive me. I always say flippantly that I left to leave however I feel sometimes if I am enticed enough I do return. In light of me having my eyes opened Lord I commit to really leaving and letting go of those people and places that seem tempt me against your will. Give me the strength and encouragement to know that you are leading me to higher ground!
I reflected on this and I thought about the people and places I have left behind for my good and how I have sometimes looked back and even gone back to my own detriment. Lord forgive me. I always say flippantly that I left to leave however I feel sometimes if I am enticed enough I do return. In light of me having my eyes opened Lord I commit to really leaving and letting go of those people and places that seem tempt me against your will. Give me the strength and encouragement to know that you are leading me to higher ground!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
My 33rd Birthday
I celebrated by 33rd birthday three days ago (April 2nd). It was pretty uneventful nothing happened as planned however at the same time it turned out perfect. I was with my family and a good friend we had dinner at my house and played Scrabble and laughed a lot. I enjoy the company of great freinds and famly any day over the superficial gathering of so called friend and family you never speak to.
I would be remissed if I did not share the events of the last few days. I received a text message from my brother on Saturday/Sabbath morning informing me that he and his girlfriend got married yesterday (April 3rd). I could only respond oh wow congrats. I realized that if he cared what I thought he would have shared it with me before and if he respected me as a sister he would have at least had the courtesy to tell me over the phone if not face to face and at the same time I realized that his decision not to share it with me could be result of the value he places on my opinion and/or influence and by withholding the information no opinion/influence could be made. Either way what's done is done. I can only pray it is happily ever after and until death.
I would be remissed if I did not share the events of the last few days. I received a text message from my brother on Saturday/Sabbath morning informing me that he and his girlfriend got married yesterday (April 3rd). I could only respond oh wow congrats. I realized that if he cared what I thought he would have shared it with me before and if he respected me as a sister he would have at least had the courtesy to tell me over the phone if not face to face and at the same time I realized that his decision not to share it with me could be result of the value he places on my opinion and/or influence and by withholding the information no opinion/influence could be made. Either way what's done is done. I can only pray it is happily ever after and until death.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Documenting this Moment!!!
My friend Joseph and I wanted to document this day (actually it was two days ago). We recapped the last ten years of our friendship and the various events that have shaped our friendship, our careers and our personal lives.
Our friendship has spanned him moving from Nacogodoches, TX to Orlando, Fl to Portland,OR to where he now resides in Baltimore, MD. It has covered me from roommates with Jason and Preston to living in Ethiopia for the summer to moving back to Atlanta to being roommates with Mi to moving to Washington, DC and being roommates with my Grey (my first deaf roommate) to moving to Tanzania getting married returning to the states/Atlanta getting divorced and finally living on my own in my first solo apartment and then buying my first house. Friends always knew never to write our address in their address book in pen because it would change after a while. Then their came the Iphone and the Blackberry!
We started together at Stephen F. Austin State University and departed at seperate times and have taken vastly different routes. I left SFASU knowing my goals of being in the Foreign Service and Joseph left because he was in LOVE and endeavored on his career path as one of the best psychotherapist in Baltimore in my opinion. I have not utilized his services however I suspect he is great because of his passion and concern for his patients. I am still on my path of being in the Foreign Service. I have not gotten in the door yet however I am confident it will happen in God's time not mine. I was talking to the best Psychologist on earth yesterday and I made the statement that the Lord is going to restore me and he made the observation that God has. The way he knows HE has it that I know what I want to do and I am moving towards it. Because when I came back to Tanzania I was in such an abyss but now I am awake and excited and that is a restoration to be proud of. I had to smile about that. He was right!!
As for our personal lives Joseph has been with the person he was in LOVE since Texas the whole time until recently. He is in the process of finding himself however I feel he will inevitably end up where he started. As for me my relationships I have spunned dating a man 20 years my senior, then a mechanic who I found out later was married ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh living in Atlanta I tell you, dating and marrying and divorcing my husband, then meeting and dating a man with a child a first for me, he was a teacher an attraction that is deeper to me then saying you have a credit score of 800 and he could speak to me without words and now I am in the waiting place. Read Dr. Seus Oh the Places You'll Go to understand that more!
Our friendship has spanned him moving from Nacogodoches, TX to Orlando, Fl to Portland,OR to where he now resides in Baltimore, MD. It has covered me from roommates with Jason and Preston to living in Ethiopia for the summer to moving back to Atlanta to being roommates with Mi to moving to Washington, DC and being roommates with my Grey (my first deaf roommate) to moving to Tanzania getting married returning to the states/Atlanta getting divorced and finally living on my own in my first solo apartment and then buying my first house. Friends always knew never to write our address in their address book in pen because it would change after a while. Then their came the Iphone and the Blackberry!
We started together at Stephen F. Austin State University and departed at seperate times and have taken vastly different routes. I left SFASU knowing my goals of being in the Foreign Service and Joseph left because he was in LOVE and endeavored on his career path as one of the best psychotherapist in Baltimore in my opinion. I have not utilized his services however I suspect he is great because of his passion and concern for his patients. I am still on my path of being in the Foreign Service. I have not gotten in the door yet however I am confident it will happen in God's time not mine. I was talking to the best Psychologist on earth yesterday and I made the statement that the Lord is going to restore me and he made the observation that God has. The way he knows HE has it that I know what I want to do and I am moving towards it. Because when I came back to Tanzania I was in such an abyss but now I am awake and excited and that is a restoration to be proud of. I had to smile about that. He was right!!
As for our personal lives Joseph has been with the person he was in LOVE since Texas the whole time until recently. He is in the process of finding himself however I feel he will inevitably end up where he started. As for me my relationships I have spunned dating a man 20 years my senior, then a mechanic who I found out later was married ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh living in Atlanta I tell you, dating and marrying and divorcing my husband, then meeting and dating a man with a child a first for me, he was a teacher an attraction that is deeper to me then saying you have a credit score of 800 and he could speak to me without words and now I am in the waiting place. Read Dr. Seus Oh the Places You'll Go to understand that more!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Natalie Cole
I worked at Pottery Barn today and Natalie Cole was there to sign her CD. FYI Pottery Barn is not a music store. It sells home funishing and accessories as its core business. I had a not so positive experience with the whole will you sign my CD epxerience. I only wanted to get some signed for friends who are fans. I had written my personal message on stick notes on each CD. I went up to her and gave her the covers and the notes. She was about to start and I was going to tell her I was praying for her health when her publicist came and told me to step aside while he edited my notes to just the names of the people they were to go to. He was so rude, had I not opened the CD wrapper I would have returned the CD's to the store. One of my pet peaves is that I never spend my money at stores or on people who do not respect me. However I endured and I got the CD signed in the most impersonal way. And then they had the nerve to ask me if I wanted a picture with her and I said no I do not. I do not know if she heard me but honestly I did not want a picture with her. Her publicist was rude/mean to me. Why would I want a picture with someone who allows her staff to be disrespectful to me. I walked away from this experience torn. Was I wrong to say no the pciture? Was I wrong to feel that that the publicist was rude. I was the the fith to the last peron is line, she was probably tired? Right. But then as I reflected on it I just felt sad for her and people that go gu gu for ga ga over such people. Sad for her because she is currently in need of a kidney transplant and has dialysis three times a week. Either she needs the money from such events or her self esteem is in need of the attention she receive. Sad for the people who are gu gu for ga ga in that there are so many more people who have made more substantial contributions to the world such as Gandhi's peace movement, Bill and Melinda Gates and the Gates foundation's contribution to AIDS research and public health in resource poor countries or the winner of the MacArthus genius award winner.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Quotes by George Washington Carver
There is no short cut to achievement. Life requires thorough preparation - veneer isn't worth anything.
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world.
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Quotable Quote
I was talking with my stepfather and his assessment of the inauguration festivities of our first African American President he said:
"It was almost as if the United States did not have a color line."
I thought that statement was pretty profound and I thought I would share it with the world!
"It was almost as if the United States did not have a color line."
I thought that statement was pretty profound and I thought I would share it with the world!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States
For the past few days I have had the privilege to be in Washington, DC to witness the swearing in of the first African American President of the United States-Barrack Obama. I am thankful to be alive to witness this grand event!!!
I also was able to share this moment in history with a great friend. These are some pictures from our time in DC.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year 2009 - Year of Restoration
Well today is Thursday, January 1, 2009 - The start of my year of RESTORATION
1. Restoring my relationship with God - living the life I believe
2. Restoring my career that utilizes my education, talents, gifts and drive to travel the world to make a positive impact for change
3. Restoring my status to loving wife, friend, life companion to a man that is a Christian, Adventist, leader, honorable, respectful and knows how to love me best
4. Restoring my finances to position me to return in tithes and offering what I currently make in less than five years
5. Restoring me to a level of maturity that accepts people as they are and respecting their desire to be different
Heavenly Father please fulfill my restoration request not to bring any glory to me but that people can see your glory in me and I can point them to the cross that saves in Christ name AMEN!
1. Restoring my relationship with God - living the life I believe
2. Restoring my career that utilizes my education, talents, gifts and drive to travel the world to make a positive impact for change
3. Restoring my status to loving wife, friend, life companion to a man that is a Christian, Adventist, leader, honorable, respectful and knows how to love me best
4. Restoring my finances to position me to return in tithes and offering what I currently make in less than five years
5. Restoring me to a level of maturity that accepts people as they are and respecting their desire to be different
Heavenly Father please fulfill my restoration request not to bring any glory to me but that people can see your glory in me and I can point them to the cross that saves in Christ name AMEN!
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