Sitting on the phone with my friend Joseph this Thanksgiving day in the year of our Lord 2006, we were chatting about predictions (targeted calculation....wish list if you will) of our lives for next year this time. So no further ado....
10. New Job working in international development
9. A trip abroad....Hopefully paid for by my company
8. Meaningful relationship with someone of the opposite sex (.ie a husband)
7. A New Car...Passat
6. 4 rooms furnished (which kind of contradicts with Dave Ramsey...but a sista's got to have furniture)
5. adherence to the Dave Ramsey Total Money Make Over
4. I would like to add biking to my weekly exercise routine (which will eventually led to a triathalon)
3. "Look-Good-Naked"...this is Joseph's motto for a healthy lifestyle
2. To be more active in my church
1. More mature walk with the lord